
欧美国家乡村旅游的发展大多数是从20世纪60年代开始的;到80年代,进入快速发展时期。到90年代,进入成熟发展时期。而到20世纪与21世纪之交,其乡村旅游更呈现出持续发展的强劲势头。乡村旅游已成为当代欧美国家的主要旅游形式之一。如2003年,美国去农场度假的有1 800万人次;法国的乡村旅游收入达100亿法郎,占该国当年旅游总收入的1/4。


1.1 私营化
1.2 小型化
1.3 兼营化
1.4 分散化
欧美国家庞大的乡村旅游需求市场与小型化的乡村旅游经营规模,必然导致乡村旅游多点式、分散化的发展格局。近年来,欧美国家乡村旅游分散布局表现十分明显。到2006年底,法国推出的“农庄旅游”,全国有1.6万户农家建设了家庭旅馆,开展旅游接待;意大利开展的“绿色乡村旅游”,其农庄已有6 500家;巴西有5 000家农场旅馆;美国仅纽约就有1 500家开展乡村旅游的农场,而夏威夷州则多达5 500个农场。众多的乡村旅游景点分散吸引了庞大的乡村旅游群体,在满足旅游市场需求的同时,又保证了农场的旅游产品质量不会因游人的过度集中而受损。这种多点分散、小型化的布局是旅游市场需求的必然产物。

Europe and the United States the majority of rural tourism development are from the 20th century beginning of the 60s; to 80 years, entered a period of rapid growth. To 90 years, entered the mature stage of development. By the 20th century and at the turn of 21st century, the rural tourism more sustainable development showing a strong momentum. Village tourism has become the contemporary European and American countries, one of the main forms of tourism. Such as 2003, the United States to have the vacation Farm 1 800 million; the French countryside tourism revenues of 10 billion francs, representing the country's total tourism income was 1 / 4.
Village tourism from Europe and the United States have now nearly 50 years of development history, has experienced from the start, development, and to the relative maturity of a more comprehensive process. Tourism development in his village, showing a lot of basic features. Tourism development on the countryside by showing the basic characteristics of rural tourism development of our country is extremely important inspiration and reference.

1. The operating characteristics of tourist attractions

1.1 Privatization
Europe and the United States most of the rural tourism in the private farms are developed on the basis of. With the development of rural tourism, the farmer at the same time operators in the tourism industry; countryside tourist attractions of its business for the private home. The United States at such a "farm vacation" attracted a large number of visitors to the vacation. They can live in the farmhouse with the farmer to live with people. Tourists in the tourist resort, the rural scenery can enjoy and experience the farm life, and personally involved in farm production activities. Bed and breakfast vacation farm use of farm buildings are mostly vacant room, or converted farmhouse organize and open a little business.
1.2 Miniaturization
Village Tourism in Europe and the United States the basic operating units, the majority of a farm or a home. This smaller operating characteristics, both with its home at Village Farm tourism is developed on the basis of history, but also just to meet the needs of the tourism market. UK Farm Village tourism is. The development of tourism operators from the look of the area, although all family farms of different size, but one of the activities of tourists in space is not none. Government embarked on in order to prevent the commercial farm operations, the provisions of the Bed and breakfast farm beds, generally from 2 to 6 bedrooms, 4 ~ 15 available beds, which is lower than the least able to enjoy duty-free concessions. Employment from the practitioners of tourism, the Tourism Village to carry out the Farm, the farmer the average full-time employment of the majority of tourism operators, only 10 or so, farmers and investment in tourism, the majority of an average of only £ 50,000 about. It can be seen, the tour operators are very limited scale.
Run of 1.3
Europe and the United States farmers are engaged in agricultural production on the one hand, while carrying out a variety of operations, carried out at Village on the other hand, when tour operators rely on the support of agricultural production. In their view, rural tourism and agricultural production, closely linked, can not be separated from each other win-win situation, harmony together; even if the income of rural tourism are far greater than the income of agricultural production, agricultural production can not be taken lightly, relax, or even to give up, on the contrary , truly want, and meticulous management; Otherwise, if the performance of agricultural production, it is bound to lose the original Village Tourism, Village Tourism weakened due to foreign visitors to the charm.
1.4 Decentralization
Europe and the United States needs a huge tourism market and the countryside of rural small scale tour operators, tourism is bound to lead to many point-Village, decentralized development pattern. In recent years, Europe and the United States distribution of the performance of decentralized rural tourism is very obvious. The end of 2006, France introduced the "Farm tourism", there are 16,000 farm family hotel construction, tourism reception; Italy carried out a "green countryside tourism", the farm has 6 500; Brazil has 5 000 Farm house hotel; the United States there is only one in New York to carry out 500 Village Farm tourism, and Hawaii are as many as 500 farms 5. A large number of rural tourist attractions to attract a large amount of scattered rural tourism groups to meet the needs of the tourism market while ensuring the quality of farm tourism products to visitors will not be jeopardized by the excessive concentration. This more dispersed, small-scale tour of the layout are the inevitable product of market demand.
第1个回答  2009-04-04
这么多字,要别人帮你一句句翻译吗? 雷锋也不会这么做吧。