

to allocate(roles) 分配角色
to contribute/make a contribution 贡献
to co-operate 合作
project team 项目团队
to take on (responsibility) 承担责任
team buiding 团队建设
team member 团队成员
to trust 信任
to agree on (objectives) 达成一致目标
benefit 收益
to bring in (a consultant) 向顾问咨询
to come up with (ideas) 想到方法
to measure (progress) 测量进展
seminar 研讨小组
to set (targets) 建立目标
survival course 逃生课程
to work on (managerial skills) 研究管理技能
to work towards (objectives) 为达到目标工作
advertisement 广告
attitude 态度
effective 高效的
expatriate 侨民
honest 诚实的
to make (arrangements) 安排
to put on (an event) 分配事情
schedule 日程表
under pressure 在压力下
asap (as soon as possible) asap是什么意思?
to cancel (a meeting) 取消回忆
to confirm (arrangements) 确定安排
deadline 截止日期
to postpone (a meeting) 推迟会议
to put back (a meeting) 推迟会议
I will put you through.(电话用语中是什么意思?)
Could you get back to me?(电话用语中是什么意思?)
to adapt 适应
answering machine 应答机
complimentary (tickets) 是什么意思?
to decline 取消
native speaker
to raise (awareness) 提高意识
to raise (your voice) 提高声音
to return a call 回电话
sensitive 敏感的
to simplify (your language) 简化你的语言
trade fair 贸易公平
voice mail 语音邮件
It doesn't make any difference.

第1个回答  2009-09-01
complimentary tickets 优惠券
I will put you through 我帮您接通
native speaker 本土语言使用者
trade fair 应该是名词词组吧? 贸易市场?
get back to me 回电话
survival course 自救措施

初学者 答案不保准 仅供参考
第2个回答  2009-08-30
It doesn't make any difference 这样做并没有任何效果
will put you through 我将为您接通电话
Could you get back to me? 是您能给我回电话么 ?
complimentary (tickets) 是 免费票本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2009-08-30
asap (as soon as possible) asap是as soon as possible的略语,尽可能快地
to cancel (a meeting) 取消会议
I will put you through.电话用语中是“我将为您接通。”
Could you get back to me?(电话用语中是“您能回我电话吗?” )