
同旅游与文化所具有的密切关系一样,旅游作为文化行为对社会所带来的积极意义越来越为人们所认识。旅游和文化的密切关系以及这些积极意义,可以简要概括为这样几点:1,旅游作为一种文化行为,在旅游的历史实践中已经有丰富的例证。马可?波罗是举世闻名的旅行家,但他实际上是一名商人,通过向欧洲介绍中国,他成为东西方文化一名杰出的使者。历史上英国的“大陆旅行”、 古代中国和日本的“修学旅行”,也都属此列。2,旅行游览活动是孕育和发扬民族文化、区域文化的有益活动。我们现时流行的各种各样“文化节”,就是一个最好的注脚。3,旅游是信息传播的有效途径,为文化传播不可或缺的方式之一。4,旅游业的开发和建设,也具有文化建设的意义。5,旅游业的发展,有赖于社会文化的有效支持,同时它对文化事业的发展具有积极的作用。概言之,旅游业发展到一定阶段后,不论是它自身的繁荣和提高,还是旅游与文化具有的内在关联,一方面提出了建设旅游文化的要求,另方面也为文化要素的系统注入、或者说旅游文化资源的开发提供了条件。由此可见,旅游文化是旅游发展的产物。与此同时,旅游文化又可以为旅游业的发展发挥其独特的作用

just like the intimate relationship between tourism and culture,tourism,as a kind of cultural behavior,could bring lots of positive significance to the society,which has been realized by more people. The close relationship between tourism and culture and the positive significance can be briefly summarized as follows: 1, tourism, as a kind of cultural behavior, has been richly proved in the history of the tourism practice . Marco Polo is a world-famous traveler, but he is actually a businessman, and he become an excellent emissary between eastern and western culture by introducing china to Europe . the british "mainland trip" in the history, and the "study trip" in ancient China and Japan also belong to it. 2, travel activities are beneficial for germinating and developing national culture and regional culture .nowadays all kinds of popular "culture festivals" is one of the best footnote. 3, tourism is the effective way of information transmission, and it is one of the indispensable means of culture dissemination . 4, tourism development and construction also have the culturally constructional significance 5, the development of tourism, depends on the effective support of social culture , at the same time it has positive effect to the development of culture . In general,when tourism develops to a certain extent, whether its own prosperity and improvement, or the relationship between tourism and culture,they will on one hand put forward to the requirements for the construction of tourism culture and on the other hand, provide conditions for the systemic injection of cultural elements,or for the development of cultural tourism resources . Thus, we can see that tourism culture is the product of the development of tourism. and at the same time, tourism culture also plays a unique role in the development of tourism.
第1个回答  2011-12-21
As the relationship between tour and culture, the positive significance for the society of tourist was known better.The relationship between tour and culture and their significance can be summarized as below: 1. As a kind of cultrue, tour has had a plenty of examples in its history. The business man Macro Polo, who was known as a tourist, was a great emissary of eastern and western culture by introducing China to Europe. The overland Journey of Britain and traval for study of China and Japan in the history are the same as it. 2. Travelling is helpful for gestating and improving national culture, area culture. The culture festival nowadays is the good example. 3. Tour is a good approach for spreading information.时间不够了,明天来后面