请帮我翻译一下这段文字,中翻英的,谢谢! 希尔顿饭店的创始人、世界旅馆之王康•尼•希尔顿就

希尔顿饭店的创始人、世界旅馆之王康•尼•希尔顿就是一个注重“小事”的人。康•尼•希尔顿要求他的员工:“大家牢记,万万不可把我们心里的愁云摆在脸上!无论饭店本身遭到何等的困难,希尔顿服务员脸上的微笑永远是顾客的阳光。”正是这小小的永远的微笑,让希尔顿饭店的身影遍布世界各地。 饭店的服务员每天的工作就是对顾客微笑、回答顾客的提问、打扫房间、整理床单等小事;你每天所做的可能就是接听电话、整理报表、绘制图纸之类的小事。你是否对此感到厌倦、毫无意义而提不起精神?你是否因此而敷衍应付,心里有了懈怠?这不能成为你的借口。请记住:这就是你的工作,而工作中无小事。要想把每一件事做到完美,就必须付出你的热情和努力。


Hilton Hotel founder and world hotel, the WangKang nehemiah Hilton is a notice "little things". Kang, nehemiah Hilton asked his staff: "everyone remember, absolutely not put our hearts it before his face! No matter how difficult by the hotel itself, Hilton waiter smile of customer is always the sun." It is this little always smile, let the Hilton Hotel's figure around the world. Restaurant waiter work each day is on customer smile, answer customer questions, clean the rooms, sorting sheets for trivial; You do every day is probably answering the telephone, sorting statements, produce drawings such minor. If you feel tired, it is meaningless and lift not spirit? Whether you therefore perfunctory cope with inside, there is a negligent? This can't be your excuse. Please remember: it's your job, and work without incident. If you want to put everything perfect, it must pay your enthusiasm and hard work.
第1个回答  2010-12-04
Hilton, founder of King World Hotel Hong • Nepal • Hilton is a focus on "small" people. Kang • Nepal • Hilton asked his staff: "Remember, they must not put our hearts gloom on their faces! How both the hotel itself has been the difficulties attendant Hilton smiles the sun will always be customers." It is this little smile forever, so the Hilton Hotel in figure throughout the world. ? Hotel waiter job every day is a smile on the customers, answering customer questions, clean room, the sheets and other small things; you do every day may be the answer the phone, order reports, the little things like drawing drawings. Do you feel tired, have no meaning and no heart? Perfunctory therefore you meet, my heart has been slacking off? This can not be your excuse. Remember: This is your work, and work is no small matter. To put everything to be perfect, you must pay your enthusiasm and efforts.
第2个回答  2010-12-04
Hilton, founder of King World Hotel Hong ? Nepal ? Hilton is a focus on "small" people. Kang ? Nepal ? Hilton asked his staff: "Remember, they must not put our hearts gloom on their faces! How both the hotel itself has been the difficulties attendant Hilton smiles the sun will always be customers." It is this little smile forever, so the Hilton Hotel in figure throughout the world. ? Hotel waiter job every day is a smile on the customers, answering customer questions, clean room, the sheets and other small things; you do every day may be the answer the phone, order reports, the little things like drawing drawings. Do you feel tired, have no meaning and no heart? Perfunctory therefore you meet, my heart has been slacking off? This can not be your excuse. Remember: This is your work, and work is no small matter. To put everything to be perfect, you must pay your enthusiasm and efforts.
第3个回答  2010-12-05
Hilton Hotel founder and world hotel, the WangKang nehemiah Hilton is a notice "little things". Kang, nehemiah Hilton asked his staff: "everyone remember, absolutely not put our hearts it before his face! No matter how difficult by the hotel itself, Hilton waiter smile of customer is always the sun." It is this little always smile, let the Hilton Hotel's figure around the world. Restaurant waiter work each day is on customer smile, answer customer questions, clean the rooms, sorting sheets for trivial; You do every day is probably answering the telephone, sorting statements, produce drawings such minor. If you feel tired, it is meaningless and lift not spirit? Whether you for ?