
村上隆与Louis Vuitton合作,携手推出“Multicolor Spring Pallet”联名系列,为隆重其事,座落于日本东京表参道的LV旗舰店,近期店内装置艺术及整体装潢等都已经被完整的“村上隆化”了。踏入店内就感觉像是进入了村上隆的异想世界,而其多色彩渲染的氛围也与接下来和LV合作的多彩系列不谋而合。


Takashi Murakami cooperated with Louis Vuitton, putting out a joint series of products named "Multicolor Spring Pallet". Ceremoniously, LV's Flagship Store lies on OMOTESAN Street in Japanese capital of Tokyo, recently made its ornaments and decorations all be close up to Murakami. Once you enter into the store, you'll feel like entering into Murakami's fantasy world. And its diverse colored surroundings are just perfectly in harmony with the following products of Multicolor series that are cooperated with LV.
第1个回答  2010-12-22
Takashi Murakami and Louis Vuitton to work together, jointly launched the "Multicolor Spring Pallet" joint family, to mark the occasion, located in Tokyo, Japan, Omotesando LV flagship store, the recent installation art and the overall decor store has been so complete "Takashi Murakami Of "the. Entered into the store to feel like a Takashi Murakami's different to the world, and its multi-color rendering of the atmosphere is also cooperation with the next and the colorful LV series coincide.
第2个回答  2010-12-22
Takashi Murakami cooperated with Louis Vuitton, and they together launched the joint line of
"Multicolor Spring Pallet". To make it grand, the LV flagship store, located in Omotesan, Tokyo, Japan, resently has compeletely "Takashi-Murakamised" its furnishing art and overall decoration. Stepping into the store feels just like entering Takashi Murakami's fantasy world.
And the multi-colour rendered atmosphere is exactly what the colourful lines collaborated later with LV focus on.
第3个回答  2010-12-22
希尔顿饭店的创始人、世界旅馆之王康 尼 希尔顿就是一个注重“小事”的人。康 尼 希尔顿要求他的员工:“大家牢记,万万不可把我们心里的愁云摆在脸上!