
1、直译.由于人们在感情,在对客观事物的感受及社会经历等方面会有相似之处,英汉习语中有少量相同或近似的习语,这些习语字面意义,形象意义相同或近似,隐含意义相同,也就是说,此类习语的字面意义和形象意义所传达出的文化信息是相同的,可以互译。如Easy come, easy go与汉谚“来得容易,去得快”、strike while the iron is hot与“趁热打铁”、Practice makes perfect与“熟能生巧”、Example is better than precept与“身教胜于言传”等等。相近似的有spend money like water与“挥金如土”;汉语成语“破釜沉舟”与英语burn one’s boats都源于军事家的策略。两个习语字面意义和形象意义近似,略有差别,隐含意义相同,形象意义互译。此类习语直译,保存了原文的字面意义、形象意义和隐含意义,保留了原文的风格,译文读者也很容易理解、接受,是一种最佳方式。当原习语的隐含意义很明显或很容易推断时,读者可以通过字面领悟它的含义,则直译字面意义。All roads lead to Rome译成“条条大道通罗马”。就是一个成功的例子。再如以下几例:雪中送炭 to offer fuel in snowy weather一人得道,鸡犬升天 even the dog swaggers when its master win favor“瓜田李下”来自“瓜田不纳履,李下不整冠”,译为Neither adjust your shoe in a melon patch,nor your hat under a plum tree。类似这样的习语译文,读者只要用心体会一下,就会明白其隐含意义,不但保留了原文的形象,而且增加了阅读的趣味。
2、意译.有些习语由于文化因素的影响,在翻译时无法保留原语的字面意义和形象意义,可将原文的形象更换成另一个译文读者所熟悉的形象,从而转达出原文的语用目的,译出隐含意义。如何自然教授在《语用学与英语学习》中举的一个例子When in Rome,do as the Romans do。如果按字面意义直译,读者会不明白,为什么是罗马而不是别的什么地方?其实它的隐含意义就是“入乡随俗”,若译为“到什么山,唱什么歌”,则更为形象生动,关于译成以上两者中的哪一个,则要视原文体、上下文语境而定。我们知道“龙”在英汉两种文化中的意义完全不同,所以汉语“望子成龙”的形象在英译时不能保留,可意译为to expect one’s son to become an outstanding personage,又如英语习语a cat on hot bricks形象是一只在炽热的砖头上行走的猫,痛苦而狼狈,这个情景和汉语的“热锅上的蚂蚁”不谋而合,都表示“焦急而狼狈”,翻译时更换了形象,更利于读者的理解。有些习语在翻译时无法保留原文的字面意义和形象意义,而只能译出它的隐含意义,如“天有不测风云”,若把它的字面意义和形象意义毫不保留地译成英语,会使英文读者不知所云,因为汉语中“风云”的文化含义一般的西方人很难理解,若把它的隐含意义译出,就会一目了然:Something unexpected may happen any time,这种情况在源于典故的习语中较常见。如Achilles’heel若直译为“阿克勒斯的脚后跟”并不能让大多数人理解,而译出它的隐含意义“唯一致命的弱点”更恰当。又如:the dog that will fetch a bone will carry a bone在译成汉语时,其中的字面形象dog、bone都不能直译,只能舍弃它的字面意义和形象意义,译出隐含意义:“对你说别人坏话的人,也会说你的坏活”。同类的例子还有fight like cat and dog如果按字面意义直译成汉语,虽保留了原文的形象,但不符合汉语的表达习惯。We still love each other very much ,but we fight like cat and dog可译为:“我们常吵吵闹闹,但仍很相爱。”

1, literal translation. As feelings of the people in the right objective things feelings and experiences of the community will have similarities English Idioms are the same as or similar to a small number of idioms, these idioms literal meaning of the same image or similar meaning. Implied same meaning, in other words, idioms such literal meaning and significance of the image conveyed by the cultural information is the same. Translation can. If Easy come, easy go with the Chinese saying "come, easy go faster," strike while the iron is hot and "strike while the iron is hot" Practice makes perfect with the "Practice makes perfect," Example is better than precept and "Facts speak louder than for him to say anything." Similar to spend money like it like water and the "big spenders"; Chinese idiom "burn their boats" and English burn one 's boats has stemmed from the builder's strategy.
2. Idioms literal meaning and significance of the image resembles a slightly different meaning implied the same, meaning the image translation. Idioms such literal, preservation of the original face value, meaning and image implied meaning, while retaining the original style, asked readers are very easy to understand, accept, is a best way. When the original idioms, the implied meaning is obvious or easily deduced that the reader can comprehend its literal meaning, literal meaning is literal. All roads lead to Rome translated as "many roads leading to Rome." Is a successful example. Another example is the following cases : timely help to offer fuel in snowy weather in front of a person, Living in heaven even the dog swaggers when its master win fa vor "suspicious" from "melon ground is not satisfied footwear, and not to the entire Li crown" Neither translation adjust your shoe in a'melon'); patch, nor your hat under a plum tree. Similar idiom said, as long as readers understand what intentions, we can understand that the hidden meaning not only retains the original image, but it also increases the reading interesting. 2, William. Some idioms and cultural factors as the impact of the translation can not retain the original language of the literal meaning and significance of the image. will be the replacement of the original image into another reader familiar with the image, thus conveyed from the original purpose of using the phrase, translated implied meaning. How natural Professor "Pragmatics and learning English," For an example of When in Rome, do as the Romans do. If literal meaning, literally translated, readers will understand why Rome is not somewhere else? In fact, it is the implied meaning of "do as the Romans do", if translated as "to what Hill, what songs to sing," is even more vivid on the above two, into which one will depend on the original style contextual determined. We know that the "Dragon" in both English and Chinese culture completely different meaning. So Chinese "succeed" in the English translation of the image could not be retained, expect to gain by translation of one 's son to become an outstandin g personage. Another example of English Idioms a cat on hot bricks is an image of the bricks in the heat running on the cat pain and embarrassment to the scene and Chinese "ants on a hot pan" coincides expressed "anxiety and embarrassment," The translation of the image change, but also conducive to the reader's understanding. Some idioms in the translation of the original text would not be able to retain its literal meaning and significance of the image, and it can only be translated, the implied meaning If the "days of turbulence," if its literal meaning and significance of the image unreservedly into English, English readers will unreadable, because in Chinese "Fengyun" cultural meaning Westerners generally difficult to understand, If the implied meaning it translated, it will clear at a glance : Something unexpected may happen any time. This situation stems from stories of the more common idioms. If Achilles' heel if literally translated as "Akeleishi the heels" does not allow most people to understand, translated it and the implied meaning of "the only fatal weaknesses" more appropriate. Another example : the dog that will fetch a bone will carry a bone in translation into Chinese, which literally image of the dog, bone is not literal, only abandon its literal meaning and significance of the image, known as implied meaning : "You said that people who cuss, You also said the bad living. " Similar examples also fight like cat and dog if the literal meaning directly translated into Chinese, While retaining the original image, but they do not accord with the Chinese habit of expression. We still love each other very much, but we fight like cat and dog can be translated as : "We often partridges, But still in love. "
第1个回答  2007-04-27
As feelings of the people in the right objective things feelings and experiences of the community will have similarities English Idioms are the same as or similar to a small number of idioms, these idioms literal meaning of the same image or similar meaning. Implied same meaning, in other words, idioms such literal meaning and significance of the image conveyed by the cultural information is the same. Translation can. If Easy come, easy go with the Chinese saying "come, easy go faster," strike while the iron is hot and "strike while the iron is hot" Practice makes perfect with the "Practice makes perfect," Example is better than precept and "Facts speak louder than for him to say anything." Similar to spend money like it like water and the "big spenders"; Chinese idiom "burn their boats" and English burn one 's boats has stemmed from the builder's strategy. 2 Idioms literal meaning and significance of the image resembles a slightly different meaning implied the same, meaning the image translation. Idioms such literal, preservation of the original face value, meaning and image implied meaning, while retaining the original style, asked readers are very easy to understand, accept, is a best way. When the original idioms, the implied meaning is obvious or easily deduced that the reader can comprehend its literal meaning, literal meaning is literal. All roads lead to Rome translated as "many roads leading to Rome." Is a successful example. Another example is the following cases : timely help to offer fuel in snowy weather in front of a person, Living in heaven even the dog swaggers when its master win fa vor "suspicious" from "melon ground is not satisfied footwear, and not to the entire Li crown" Neither translation adjust your shoe in a'melon'); patch, nor your hat under a plum tree. Similar idiom said, as long as readers understand what intentions, we can understand that the hidden meaning not only retains the original image, but it also increases the reading interesting. 2, William. Some idioms and cultural factors as the impact of the translation can not retain the original language of the literal meaning and significance of the image. will be the replacement of the original image into another reader familiar with the image, thus conveyed from the original purpose of using the phrase, translated implied meaning. How natural Professor "Pragmatics and learning English," For an example of When in Rome, do as the Romans do. If literal meaning, literally translated, readers will understand why Rome is not somewhere else? In fact, it is the implied meaning of "do as the Romans do", if translated as "to what Hill, what songs to sing," is even more vivid on the above two, into which one will depend on the original style contextual determined. We know that the "Dragon" in both English and Chinese culture completely different meaning. So Chinese "succeed" in the English translation of the image could not be retained, expect to gain by translation of one 's son to become an outstandin g personage. Another example of English Idioms a cat on hot bricks is an image of the bricks in the heat running on the cat pain and embarrassment to the scene and Chinese "ants on a hot pan" coincides expressed "anxiety and embarrassment," The translation of the image change, but also conducive to the reader's understanding. Some idioms in the translation of the original text would not be able to retain its literal meaning and significance of the image, and it can only be translated, the implied meaning If the "days of turbulence," if its literal meaning and significance of the image unreservedly into English, English readers will unreadable, because in Chinese "Fengyun" cultural meaning Westerners generally difficult to understand, If the implied meaning it translated, it will clear at a glance : Something unexpected may happen any time. This situation stems from stories of the more common idioms. If Achilles' heel if literally translated as "Akeleishi the heels" does not allow most people to understand, translated it and the implied meaning of "the only fatal weaknesses" more appropriate. Another example : the dog that will fetch a bone will carry a bone in translation into Chinese, which literally image of the dog, bone is not literal, only abandon its literal meaning and significance of the image, known as implied meaning : "You said that people who cuss, You also said the bad living. " Similar examples also fight like cat and dog if the literal meaning directly translated into Chinese, While retaining the original image, but they do not accord with the Chinese habit of expression. We still love each other very much, but we fight like cat and dog can be translated as : "We often partridges, But still in love. "

