好心人能帮我翻译一下这篇文章么? 急~~ 万分感谢

The data set to be usedin the investigation was limitedto monthly costs andrevenues that were already available in the company’s database for the 18-month period between August 1995 andJanuary 1997, overlapping the periodwhen the POS system was deployed. The management maintainedthat any service quality enhancement due to the speedandaccuracy improvement resulting
from the deployment of the POS system wouldred uce costs andincrease revenues andthe quality dimension of performance was investigated explicitly in this study.
Since there were only monthly data available, we decided to gauge performance on a monthly basis. We viewedeach drugstore’s monthly operations as an operating entity calledprod uction unit (PU) whose purpose was to provide service within a given month. Here, the term production refers to the process of converting resources into outputs of service. A drugstore performs many activities in relation to its operations. The expected bene1ts from the deployment of the POS system included faster andmore reliable service at the checkout counters andbetter inventory management—timely andcorrect replenishment orders thanks to more reliable sales andinventory information.

该数据集将usedin调查是limitedto每月费用andrevenues认为已可在公司的数据库中,为18个月期间, 1995年8月andjanuary 1997年,重叠periodwhen了POS系统部署。管理maintainedthat任何服务质量的提高是由于该speedandaccuracy改善导致
从部署的POS系统wouldred uce成本andincrease收入强大的质量方面的表现进行调查,明确在这项研究中。
由于有唯一月度数据后,我们决定以衡量业绩一份月报。我们viewedeach药店的每月业务作为一个经营实体calledprod还原单位(浦) ,其目的是提供服务给一个月。在这里,任期生产指的转换过程,资源投入产出的服务。一药店进行了多项活动,在有关其业务。预计bene1ts从部署的POS系统,包括更快andmore可靠的服务,在结帐柜台andbetter库存管理-及时a ndcorrect补货订单多亏更可靠的销售a ndinventory资料。
