

汤姆·索亚索耶它描述了在19世纪密西西比河,镇的人民的生活,这是社会生活的一个缩影。我从小说中的穷人和富人,教堂和学校,宗教和犯罪美国生活的各个方面。作家马克·吐温的热情和真诚的爱读者,小英雄汤姆·形状与他的小墨天牛。汤姆·索亚是一个成长中的孩子,他调皮的恶作剧,喜欢,但亲切可爱有帮助。他讨厌教会的布道,他的老师拼着不喜欢在学校生活中,干燥无味,他希望加入海盗有新鲜刺激的生活。他总是处于危险之中,站起来,那些“好”的,体面的“优秀生”不能让正义的,他们的行为。 “哈克贝利·芬,是作者的另一种”小魔鬼“。他不会去上学,接受教育,有一个心的正义,勇敢的心。充满童趣通,预订,具备相关经验缺乏的童年。父母的爱,因为它会采取如此彻底地写着什么。马克·吐温在一个孩子的经验,细致的描述,无处不在的童趣。成人观看,还可以回收的童年生活。汤姆青年的母亲通过我的姑姑。智能调皮的汤姆无法阿姨和学校的老师,经常逃学。一天晚上,他和他的朋友哈克贝利·费恩,发挥无意中目睹了谋杀案发生的墓地。恐惧,他们知道aboutthem杀手,汤姆,越橘的朋友与另一逃到一个荒岛上的“海盗”,回家以为他们被淹死了,但他们似乎在他的“葬礼”。经过激烈的思想斗争,汤姆终于勇敢地证明了凶手。不久后,在野炊,他和他??心爱的姑娘贝基·撒切尔在一个山洞里丢失了三天三夜,和冷,她面临着死亡的威胁......最后,他们走出了山洞,他们,他们告诉大家的孔中,后的经验,同村的石头堵住了山洞。汤姆和佩吉告诉大家,在山洞里看到了凶手,当人们在洞里找到赵辛,他已经死了。最后,汤姆和哈克贝利洞穴,找到一个富矿。汤姆·索亚小说塑造一个理想的雄心勃勃的也有麻烦的形象,他的形象栩栩如生,对我留下了深刻的印象。
第1个回答  2012-12-21
Mother is with the good life vision began to teach, but later became a means to earn a living. Because father often work in the field, mother had to manage all the housework, have on old mother, under the US four takes care of the children, alone to be cooly earn workpoint, she can not stand, nor may support one family. The most important was the village of reading less, can teach is can be counted on one's fingers, this cheap naturally fell into the mother's head. But at that time, the teacher does not like now so respected teacher, known as " rubbish ", not only the position, often be the taunt and bully. Some people can't stand this bully, would rather work cooly. Even then, the mother still insist on down, and working is 34 years, the mother began as private teacher, at any time may be fired, until 1986 to pass the exam before turning to state-run teacher, later life assurance. Whenever the mother recalled this period of hard life always laugh, " life is fair ", " has must have loses ", " is to insist on victory ", "contentment ". These are her perception of the hard time.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-12-21
The mother began to teach With longing for a better life, but later became a means of livelihood. Perennial work in the field because the father, the mother had to manage all of the housework, old mother, next we need to take care of four children alone to do hard labor to earn work points, she either can not stand, it is impossible to feed a family. The most important is the small village school, teaching is one of the few such cheap naturally fell on the mother's head. Era Jiaoshu Jiang unlike now so respected teacher known as the "stinking ninth category" not only has no place, they are often subject to ridicule and bullying of the world's. Some people can not stand this bully prefer to work every day to do as the coolies. Even as the mother or stick down, and one thousand is 34 years, the identity of the mother began a private teacher, at any time are likely to be dismissed until 1986 to pass the exam into the State Office for the teacher, in his later years of life assurance. Whenever the mother recalled this difficult life always laugh it off, "Life is fair" and "win some and lose," persevering "," contentment ". These are the difficult years of the sentiment.
第3个回答  2012-12-21
Mother is with a sense of longing for a better life began to teach, but later it became a means to earn a living.Because his father worked for many years in the field, mother had to Additionally all of the housework, on the old mother, there are four of us needed to take care of their children, work point labour alone earned, she can't stand, it is impossible to feed the family.Most important is reading in the village at that time few people teach is a handful, this cheap natural fall on the mother.But in those days, unlike now respected teacher, teachers are called "Ting", not only has no place, often the world's ridicule and bullying.Some people can't stand the bullying rather than work to do hard labour.Even so, mother or stand down and arrested there for 34 years, mothers start status as private teacher, are likely to be dismissed at any time until 1986, through examinations to run teacher, late-life assured.Whenever the mother, recalling this hard life is always a laugh it off, "life is fair", "there will be lost", "there is a win", "enough".This is her understanding of the difficult years.
第4个回答  2013-01-01