
The Dark Zone is a walled-off quarantine zone in Manhattan. When the pandemic hit, the authorities gathered the sick in this area and brought in the best scientists and medical equipment to try to contain the virus and look for a cure.

In the Dark Zone, players can chose to collaborate or attack other Division agents. Once you attack other players, you are “flagged” as a Rogue agent and become valuable bounty for normal agents. Once marked, your watch and antennae turn red. From there, you need to stay alive until your rogue counter is up and you turn back to normal. However, if you attack a rogue agent, you will not be flagged, but get the reward for killing them.

The Dark Zone(暗区) is a walled-off quarantine zone in Manhattan. When the pandemic hit, the authorities gathered the sick in this area and brought in the best scientists and medical equipment to try to contain the virus and look for a cure

中文翻译:暗区是曼哈顿的一个被隔离开的检疫区. 当流行病袭击的时候,当局就把病人集中在这个区域,并带来最好科学家和医疗设备去努力去控制/遏止病毒蔓延,并寻找治疗的方法.

In the Dark Zone, players can chose to collaborate or attack other Division agents. Once you attack other players, you are “flagged” as a Rogue agent and become valuable bounty for normal agents. Once marked, your watch and antennae turn red. From there, you need to stay alive until your rogue counter is up and you turn back to normal. However, if you attack a rogue agent, you will not be flagged, but get the reward for killing them.

第1个回答  2015-06-25

第2个回答  2015-06-25