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中国的集体主义能够形成,和中国大一统的历史条件分不开,中国在历史上很早就形成了统一的国家,并且在历史的大多数时间内保持了这种大一统的局面。人们在内心一直有这样例如“国家”的整体性概念,人们自觉地认为自己是国家或民族的一份子。这种整体性概念的普遍存在让集体主义的产生和延续成为可能。The forming of Chinese collectivism is linked to the historic conditions of whole China unification. Long long ago China has been a unitary country in history, and kept such situation in most of its history. Integral concept of "country" has been inward. People consider them as part of the country or nation consciously. The ubiquity of the holistic concept provide the possibility to generate and keep the collectivism.
The whole unification provides hotbed for the thought of collectivism positively while help generate it on the other hand. Foreign elements can never plays a decisive role in development of Chinese history since China has alway been in a status of a steady dominant country. Its social innovation chronically depends on changes of inner power. Since its unification, China has been a classic unitary state and it's common for the all-pervasive country impact on the society. So it can be said that the country represents everything. From a personal development angle, an individual can enjoy steady life and the fixed political identity is country-granted in positive side while in negative aspect, everybody may become a biggest victim and docile and obedient to the bureaucratic machine. When the country is in divided or inharmonic condition, the stability of an individual will be affected a lot. In Chinese history, The division phases are always the painful periods of the edge of starvation. In Huntinton's monograph Political Order in Changing Societies, it says "Agitation process in turn contributes to homogeneity, while homogeneity helps form "a kind of adherent state"" The unsteadiness of a country affects negatively on the people's lives and foster their emphasis on the concept of country. They mentally considers that personal interests depends on whether the national interests can be guaranteed or not. Gradually the thought that national interests take precedence over everything emerges.
As a result, in the historic development of China, the individual has great anaclisis on the country which has absolute impact on personal development. The individual can't become the measurement of social development level. Finally the idea of "Nation takes precedence over everything" comes up within people's heart. That's to say, the whole determines the personal thinking model and it's hard for an individual to enjoy autonomy. So it is actually. In this way, collectivism has always found a welcome market. People generally accept the thought that individuals are affiliated to collectivity.
