6年级 英文 自我介绍 哥哥姐姐们帮帮我 麻烦一下把下文译成英文!!谢谢谢 急急急急急....

我叫xxx ,我13岁了,我最喜欢的水果是芒果,我的爱好是英语,我的梦想是做英语老师。这就是平凡的我,充满希望的我!谢谢。

I am ****,i'm 13. My favorite fruit is mango,my hobby is English and my dream is to be a teacher. This is me who is mediocre and filling with hopes.
第1个回答  2010-11-08
i am xxx. i'm 13 years old .my favorite food is mangoes.i like to speak english. my dream is to be a english teacher .that's who i am , a common but positive boy(girl).thank you~ 誊的时候注意一下大小写 因为求速度 所以没有太改 希望有帮助