"in the top","at the top"与"on the top"有什么区别


in the top:在某个物体内部的上面。

at the top:在某个物体(大的)顶上。

on the top:在某个物体表面(较小的)的上面(紧贴)。


top顶,顶部; 盖,上栏; 首席; 陀螺; 最高的; 顶上的; 头等的。


1、in the top of the room.


2、I'll be made up if I get in the top five, that would be great. 


3、He stopped at the top of the stairs. 


4、I ran up the stairs and saw Alison lying at the top .


5、Our new flat was on the top floor .


6、He purchased a ticket and went up on the top deck .



on 在....上。


He laid a hand on my shoulder.


in 作为介词,in可表示为 :



The two brothers study in the same class.


at 在(某处),在(某时)。


We're now at about 0.8.


第1个回答  2023-07-20

首先我们来看下in the top、at the top、on the top的大致意思

in the top:词性为短语,表示在物体或空间的顶部位置。

at the top:词性为短语,表示位于某物或某人的顶部。

on the top:词性为短语,表示位于某物的顶部表面。

通过下面的图我们了解下in the top、at the top、on the top的含义、发音和用法


in the top:

He placed the cup in the top of the bookshelf.


The windows of this building are in the top.


Her name is in the top of the list.


Please place the document in the top of the folder.


The overhead compartments in the top of the plane are full.


There is a small pocket in the top of the backpack.


at the top:

She stood at the top of the mountain.


You can find his name at the top of the list.


We always want to stay at the top of the competition.


There is a cat on the top of the house roof.


His kite got stuck at the top of the tree.


There is a flag at the top of the spire of this building.


on the top:

The book is on the top of the table.


The cup is on the top of the fridge.


He put the hat on the top of his head.


There is a cherry on the top of this cake.


Please put the folder on the top of the backpack.


She wore a hat on the top of her hair.


第2个回答  2023-07-26

"Prevent sb from doing sth"用于阻止某人做某事,强调通过采取措施或行动来防止或避免某人进行特定行为。"Prevent sb doing sth"是其较少使用的变体,主要在英式英语中出现,意义上与前者相同,但结构较不常见。请注意避免使用"prevent sb to do sth"这种错误的写法。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。

1. 释义区别:

"Prevent sb from doing sth"表示阻止某人做某事,强调通过采取措施或行动来防止或避免某人进行特定行为。"Prevent sb doing sth"在英式英语中也表示阻止某人做某事,但在美式英语中较少使用。它强调直接阻止某人进行特定行为。


The lock on the door prevented him from entering the room.


Strict security measures prevent unauthorized personnel from accessing the building.


2. 语法区别:

"Prevent sb from doing sth"是固定搭配,其中的介词"from"用于连接"prevent"和动词的-ing形式,表示防止某人做某事。"Prevent sb to do sth"是错误的用法,不符合英语语法规则。

3. 用法区别:

"Prevent sb from doing sth"常用于表达防止、避免某人进行某种行为的目的,强调制止或限制某人的动作。"Prevent sb doing sth"较少使用,主要在英式英语中出现,在意义上与"prevent sb from doing sth"相同,但结构不如前者常见。


The fence prevents children from entering the construction site.


He prevented me from taking any risks.


4. 使用环境区别:

"Prevent sb from doing sth"适用于各种情境和语体,普遍使用。"Prevent sb doing sth"在美式英语中较少使用,较常见于非正式和口语场合的英式英语中。

第3个回答  2023-07-31

"in the top","at the top"和"on the top" 是表示位置的短语,它们在用法和含义上有一些区别:

    "in the top":
    "in the top" 表示在某个区域或范围的上部或顶部,常用于描述物体或人在一个封闭的空间或区域内的位置。例如:

    The book you are looking for is in the top shelf.(你要找的书在最上面的架子。)

    The pen is in the top drawer.(钢笔在上面的抽屉里。)

    "at the top":
    "at the top" 表示在某个物体或结构的顶部或最高点。它强调位置的准确性,通常用于描述人或物体相对于某个垂直的结构的位置。例如:

    The flag is flying at the top of the pole.(旗帜在旗杆的顶部飘扬。)

    We reached the summit and stood at the top of the mountain.(我们登上山顶,站在山的最高处。)

    "on the top":
    "on the top" 表示位于物体的表面的顶部,常用于描述物体表面的位置。例如:

    There is a hat on the top of the table.(桌子上有一顶帽子。)

    The bird is perching on the top of the tree.(鸟儿停歇在树顶上。)


    "in the top" 表示在某个区域或范围的上部或顶部,在封闭空间内的位置。

    "at the top" 表示在某个物体或结构的顶部或最高点,强调位置的准确性。

    "on the top" 表示位于物体的表面的顶部,在物体表面的位置。

第4个回答  2023-07-16
"in the top," "at the top," 和 "on the top" 都涉及到位置或排名上的位置,但在使用上有些差异。
1. "In the top":
- "In the top" 表示在某个范围或类别的顶部,强调在其中的位置。它通常用于描述在一组事物中的最高位置。例如:
- She finished in the top three in the competition.
- This company is in the top tier of the industry.
2. "At the top":
- "At the top" 表示在某个位置的最高点,强调位置上的具体点。它通常用于描述具体的物体或地点。例如:
- There is a flag at the top of the mountain.
- The CEO sits at the top of the corporate hierarchy.
3. "On the top":
- "On the top" 表示在某个物体或结构的最上面,强调物体表面的位置。它通常用于描述物体的放置或覆盖状态。例如:
- The book is on the top shelf.
- There is a cat sitting on the top of the wall.