
Today , i'm plan to do homework everyday ,my brother will check me .
At first . thanks for brother's support . i will do my best write more beautiful .hoho
In fact , my mood is heavy, i feel terrible about i meet in this morning , severl days ago, i had provied a important file to a customer,i have recevied a letter form Our sales in today.she said :"our mouse sales to the customer is wired mouse,why contain dongle ,please explain it ASAP", according to check ,i was Discovered i got the other fellow's file to coustomer .oh ,my dear ,i made a mistake.
At once .i improved it ,exchange the file,and explain to customer and beg his (谅解)understand . and then , my Supervisor ask me how to prevent it , a series Things are coming ,everything i do is for a mistake . my careless let me failure.:(
From now on ,i understand completely , i must do everything check again and again until 100% right , i hope my supervisor to give me more encourage, Because everybody could make mistake ,me too .
It's all over , i don't want talk about it any more .
OK ,,,,,today i am write it down to remind me and everyone.

1,I'm plan to---去掉'm,因为 plan 是动词,一般现在时态时不能再加be动词。
2,me--改成my homework.
3,thanks for brother's support--supporting
4,do my best write --do my best to write
5,mood is heavy ,搭配不当。可以说I'm in blue today,表示心情不佳。
6,about 后加what
7,severl --several 拼写
8,provied--provided 拼写
10,let me failure--let me fail . let sb.do sth . 最好用 my carelessness led to the failure. carelessness是名词形式,led to 是 lead to 的过去式,导致的意思。
11,I hope that my supervisor will give me more encouragement.
hope 这个词不好用hope sb.to do 这种句式 ,encourage变名词。
12,want talk --want to talk
第1个回答  2006-11-24
做为一名小学生或初中生, 能写出这样的日记就不错了. 我基本能看懂是啥意思.
第2个回答  2006-11-24
my brother will check me .改正成:and my brother will supervise me .监督你
i will do my best write more beautiful 不通;改正成:I will do my best to write in more beautiful letters
第3个回答  2006-11-24
我帮你彻底该了, 基本上一句对一句。 你要加油。
首先, 日记, 全部要用过去时, 因为, 你只能记录发生过的事。 ^^

Today, I planned to do assignments everyday and let my brother check them for me. (作业, 从我小学到中学都用的homework, 但是外国人其实不用homework的, 都是assignments. 不过,既然你在国内, 还是用homework吧。)

At first, thanks for the support from mu brother. I will do my best to write neater and nicer. hehe.

In fact, I don't have a good mood. I am feeling terrible for the meeting in the morning. Few days ago, I provided an important file to a customer and recevied a letter from our sales today. In the letter, she said "The mouse we sold to the customer are not the right ones, ????, please explain it ASAP." (不明白你这里的dongle是什么? 还有,你是不是说你受到的信是卖给你们鼠标的厂家送来的?因为sales是卖出者。)According to the check ???? (什么checking, 我不知道你根据的是什么。) I discovered that I sent them the wrong files that were for the other customers. Oh, my dea, I made a mistake.

As soon as possible, I improved it. I changed the file and explained them(the customers) the reasons, hoping for understanding. Then, my supervisor told me how to prevent these kinds of things happen again. A series of problems occured, everything was wrong. My carelessness made me fail. :(

Now, I really understand that I must check everything again and again until I make sure that they are 100% right. I hope that my supervisor will give me more courage, because everyone could make mistake, it happens the same to me.

Now, it is over. I don't want to talk about it any more.

Ok, now I am writing it down, hoping that it will remind me and everyone else.

终于写完了, 首先, 先要鼓励你。
很佩服你的勇气, 把文章发到百度上。
其次, 你的内容显示你至少有初中英文水平, 单词拼写没有错, 但是语法, 时态问题较大, 多看看例文, 要相信自己的力量,相信你终有一天可以写好文章。在你周围的老师, 朋友中,找寻帮你批改的人。 要坚持哦。

第4个回答  2006-11-24
Today, I plan to do homework the whole day. My brother will supervise me. Thanks to my brother's support, I will make an effort to write more neatly. In fact, I felt very down. Several days ago, I had provided an important file to a customer. I had received a letter from our sales today. She said," according to information, I was found to have mistaken my fellow's file as mine. And therefore handed the wrong file to my customer. Oh no, I made a mistake. Immediately, I corrected it. Exchanged the file, explain to the customer, and seek for his understanding. Then, my supervisor asked me how am I going to prevent this from happening. A lot of projects is coming on the way, and everything I do, I make a mistake. My carelessness is to be blamed for all these. From now on, I understand fully that I must check everything over and over again till there is no mistakes. Anyway, it's over now, let's not talk about it anymore. Today, I am going to write all this down to alert everyone too.

死小鬼 ! 一看就懂你先用华文写,再用机器译成英文!你还真方便啊!下次我看你还会不会遇到我这样的大好人。累死了...
第5个回答  2006-11-24
我改了一下,,不知道有些的意思,,希望是你mean 的...

Today , i'm plan to do homework everyday ,my brother will check me .

--> Today, I plan to do my homework everyday, and my brother will check on me.

At first . thanks for brother's support . i will do my best write more beautiful .hoho

-->At first, I have to say thank you to my brother's support, and I will do my best.(hoho???)

In fact , my mood is heavy, i feel terrible about i meet in this morning ,

-->In fact, my mood is low tayday, because of the meeting this morning

severl days ago, i had provied a important file to a customer,

-->Several days ago, I had provided an important file to a customer( here, I am not sure what do you mean by provide?)

i have recevied a letter form Our sales in today.
-->I have received a letter from our sales today.

she said :"our mouse sales to the customer is wired mouse,why contain dongle ,please explain it ASAP",
-->I am not able to get the meaning,,,sorry...do you mean the mouse is supposed to be wireless???

according to check ,i was Discovered i got the other fellow's file to coustomer .
-->After checking the files, I discovered that I gave other customer's file to her.

oh ,my dear ,i made a mistake.

At once .i improved it ,exchange the file,and explain to customer and beg his (谅解)understand .
-->improve???what do you mean??
well, you may say: I exchaged the file back, and explained to her that we made a mistake, hoping to get her understanding

and then , my Supervisor ask me how to prevent it , a series Things are coming ,everything i do is for a mistake .
--> Then, my supervisor asked me if I can do anything to stop making mistakes. ???(hopefully that what you mean)

my careless let me failure.:(
-->my careless cause my failure.

From now on ,i understand completely , i must do everything check again and again until 100% right ,
-->From now on, I understand that I must turn my work in after checking it carefully and make sure that there is no more careless mistakes...

i hope my supervisor to give me more encourage, Because everybody could make mistake ,me too .
-->I hope that my supervisor would give me more encouragement, and understand that everyone could make mistakes, including me.

It's all over , i don't want talk about it any more .
--> (anymore is one word)
OK ,,,,,today i am write it down to remind me and everyone.
-->today, I am writing it down so that it can remind me of my mistakes..