初学英语写日记,求指导~ 每日一篇,有不对的地方帮忙改正一下,谢谢~~ (9)

Today, I want to say something about learn English.
Two weeks have passed I'm not sure my English level improve. My diarys have some funny mistakes because of my poor English. I really appreciate your help of corrected the mistakes. And I will try harder to study English. Maybe watch English movies is a good idea. Could you recommend a few movies to study English?

1. Today, I want to say something about learn English.
about 是介词,后面加动词要是ing形式
2.Two weeks have passed I'm not sure my English level improve.
这是两个句子,中间要逗号隔开,后句加and; 或者直接句号分两句
I'm not sure my English level improve. my english level 是单数形式,后面动词也应为单数,即 improves. 或者改为has improved
或者你也可以把这个句子写成:I‘m not sure whether my english has improved or not. (我不确定我的英语是否提高了)
3.My diarys have some funny mistakes because of my poor English.
diary 的复数形式是diaries, 去y变ies.
一般主语是物的时候,表示“有”,不用have/has, 通常用 there be 句型
如: There are some mistakes in my diaries because of my poor English.

4.I really appreciate your help of corrected the mistakes.
of 介词,同1, + doing
appreciate 后面加for比较合适,为了什么而感谢。
整句可以改成: I really appreciate your help for correcting the mistakes.
或者写成 It's highly appreciated that if you could help me to correct the mistakes.
5. Maybe watch English movies is a good idea.
动词短语 做主语,要用ing 形式,maybe是副词
Maybe watching English movies is a good idea.
6.Could you recommend a few movies to study English?
a few 改为any 比较符合语境
a few 表示,很少,几乎没有的意思

我觉得看些 迪斯尼的动画片对于初学者来说是很不错的,卡通片英语比较简单,清晰。可以尝试下
第1个回答  2012-11-29
Today, I want to say something about learning English.
Two weeks have passed , but I'm not sure my English level has been improved.There are some funny mistakes in my diaries because of my poor English(表示”某处有某物“用there be句型,而不是用have来表达). I really appreciate your help of correcting the mistakes. And I will try harder to study English. Maybe watching English movies is a good idea. Could you recommend a few movies to study English?
第2个回答  2012-11-30
Today, I want to say something about learning English. Two weeks have passed , I'm not sure whether my English level has improved or not. There are some funny mistakes in my diries because of my poor English. I will really appreciate it if you can help me to correct these mistakes. And I will try harder to study English. Maybe watching English movies is a good idea. Could you recommend some movies about studying English?
第3个回答  2012-11-29
Today, I want to say something about learning English.
I'm not sure weather my English have been improved a little or not even if i have studied hard for two weeks. sometimes my diarys have some stupid mistakes because of my poor English. I really appreciate that you help me correcte these mistakes. And I will try harder to study English. Maybe watching English movies is a good idea. Could you recommend a few movies to study English?电影《劫车》《小鬼当家1,2》《加菲猫》