
请问effect这个词作为a change that sb/sth causes in sb/sth else;a result解释的时候,什么时候可数,什么时候不可数,谢谢!

■ noun
a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause. ▶an impression produced in a person's mind: his words had a soothing effect.
the state of being or becoming operative: the law came into effect. ▶the extent to which something succeeds or is operative.
(effects) the lighting, sound, or scenery used in a play or film.
(effects) personal belongings.
Physics a physical phenomenon, typically named after its discoverer: the Coriolis effect.

/ I5fekt; I`fZkt/ n
[C, U] ~ (on sb/sth) change produced by an action or cause; result or outcome 效应; 结果; 后果: the effects of heat on metal 热对金属产生的效应 * Did the medicine have any effect/a good effect? 这药有什麽疗效[疗效好]吗? * The film had quite an effect on her. 这影片对她影响极大. * I tried to persuade him, but with little or no effect. 我尽力劝他, 他根本不听.
[C, U] impression produced on the mind of the spectator, listener, reader, etc (esp in plays, films, broadcasts, paintings, etc) (观众、 听众、 读者等)头脑 中所产生的印象(尤指在戏剧、 电影、 广播、 绘画等方面): The general effect of the painting is overwhelming. 这幅画给人总的印象是很有气势. * The stage lighting gives the effect of a moonlit scene. 舞台灯光产生月夜景色的效果. * She only dresses like that for the effect it creates/for effect. 她仅仅为了装样子才那样打扮. * The science fiction film had some marvellous special effects. 这部科幻电影有些特殊效果美妙绝伦.
effects [pl] (fml or law 文或律) personal property; possessions 个人财产; 财物: personal effects 个人财产 * household effects 家庭财物.
(idm 习语) bring/put sth into ef`fect cause sth to come into use 使某物开始使用: The new system will soon be put into effect. 新系统即将启用. come into ef`fect (esp of laws, rules, etc ) reach the stage of being in use (尤指法律、 规则等)实行, 实施: The new seat-belt regulations came into effect last week. 新的安全带规则上周开始实施. give effect to sth (fml 文) cause sth to become active or produce a result 使某事物实行起来; 使生效: The new ruling gives effect to the recommendations of the special committee. 这一新裁定使特别委员会的推荐生效. in ef`fect (a) for practical purposes; in fact 实际上; 事实上: The two systems are, in effect, identical. 这两种制度实际上一模一样. (b) (of a rule, law, etc) in use (指规则、 法律等)有效: Some ancient laws are still in effect. 有些古时的法律现在仍然有效. of/to no ef`fect not having the result intended or hoped for 没有预期的或希望的结果; 无效: My warning was of no effect. 我的警告无济於事. * We warned them, but to no effect. 我们警告过他们, 但完全没用. strain after effects/an effect => strain1. take ef`fect (a) produce the result intended or required 产生预期的或要求的结果; 生效: The aspirins soon took effect. 服下的阿司匹林药片很快见效了. (b) come into force or use; become active 实施; 实行; 起作用: The new law takes effect from tomorrow. 新法令明日起实行. to good, etc ef`fect producing a good, etc result or impression 产生好的等结果或印象: The room shows off her paintings to good effect. 这个房间把她绘画的优点充分显示出来. to this/that ef`fect with this/that meaning or information 有这样[那样]的意思或内容: He told me to get out, or words to that effect. 他说了一句叫我走开之类的话. to the effect that... with the meaning, or giving the information, that... 大意为...: He left a note to the effect that he would not be returning. 他留下一张字条, 大意是说他不回来了.
第1个回答  2008-07-27
effect , consequence , result 这三词作为名词在一起比较的一般含义是由某种原因所产生的结果。
effect 和原因的关系是立刻性的,即马上可以看到的
Jasper has put up “No Parking”signs outside his gate, but these have not had any effect.


The idea to have the capital moved so far inland will have a great effect on the future of Brazil.


The drug has had an immediate effect on the patient.


consequence 和原因的关系没有那么紧密,并非马上可以可见。
You should be responsible for all the copnsequences.


Do you know what the consequences of your action will be?


The consequence was that he caught a bad cold.


result 虽然和原因关系密切,却不是立即可见,而是最后才能显示出的。比方某人头部受到沉重的一击,马上产生的脑震荡(此为effect)。脑震荡后他的身体渐渐垮了(即consequence),最后不能从事正常工作了(即result)
When the first radio messages have been received, the results of the trip will be announced immediately.


His limp is result of a car accident last year.


注:consequence 和result 都可以用复数形式,而effect 一般常用单数,有时也用复数形式表示“结果”,但其复数形式常用来表示“所有物、财物”的意思。
第2个回答  2008-07-27
影响 当然可以数
there are three effects of this ..三个影响
第3个回答  2008-07-27