




n. 效应;结果;影响;印象;效果;要旨

v. 使产生;引起




The general effect of the painting is overwhelming.





n. 结束;末端;目标;死亡;部分;终点站;端点;半边球场;剩余物,残余;过世

v. 终止,结束



end还可作“目的”解,是可数名词,说“达到目的”时常可与accomplish,achieve,attain, compass,gain,obtain,reach,secure,win等动词连用。end作“结局”“结果”解时可加不定冠词

The battle finally brought the war to an end.


第1个回答  2018-04-05


effect的用法说明 :

一、effect用作名词1.effect表示“对……的影响”,其后通常接介词 on,upon.如:The film had quite an effect on her(这影片对她影响极大)。Her speech has produced little effect on the listeners(她的演讲没对听众产生什么影响)。

二、effect用作动词effect也可以用作动词,表示“实现”,“进行”。如:Rose tried to effect a reconciliation(罗斯试图进行和解)。We hope to effect an improvement(我们希望取得改进)。

第2个回答  推荐于2017-11-25
effect的用法说明 一、effect用作名词1. effect表示“对……的影响”,其后通常接介词 on, upon。如:The film had quite an effect on her. 这影片对她影响极大。Her speech has produced little effect on the listeners. 她的演讲没对听众产生什么影响。It had an almost immediate effect on his thinking. 这对他的思想立即产生影响。It had had such a bad effect upon him. 它对他有很大的不良影响。His satire had no effect on her. 他的讽刺对她没有影响。2.注意以下各句的effect搭配(from www.yywords.com):The plan has been carried [put, brought] into effect. 这项计划业已实行。All our efforts were of no effect. 我们的一切努力都毫无作用。The new law will take effect next May. 这项新的法律将于明年五月生效。znIn effect he has no choice. 实际上他没有选择余地。 二、effect用作动词effect也可以用作动词,表示“实现”,“进行”。如:Rose tried to effect a reconciliation. 罗斯试图进行和解。We hope to effect an improvement. 我们希望取得改进。They effected a revolution in the country. 他们在这个国家进行了革命。注意,用作动词的effect并不表示“影响”,同时注意它与动词affect的不同:This affected his attitude. 这影响了他的态度。Smoking affects health. 吸烟影响身体(from www.yywords.com)。The amount of rain affects the growth of crops. 雨量影响庄稼的生长。本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2019-12-04
affect vt 影响……,使……受到影响;感动。例如:
1、smoking affects health. 吸烟影响健康。
2、he was deeply affected by my words。他听了我的话很受感动。
affect 指“产生的影响之大足以引起反应”,着重“影响”的动作, 有时含有“对...产生不利影响”的意思, 如:
we are interested in the weather because it affects us so directly — what we wear,what we do, and even how we feel.
effect vt/n. 结果, 效果, 作用
指 “实现”、“达成”,着重“造成”一种特殊的效果,一般做名词
如:this book effected a change in my opinion.
punishment had very little effect on him.
2、 effect(影响) 通常只用作名词 (可数或不可数),且主要用于have an effect (on) 这类结构;有时虽用作动词(及物),但不表示“影响”,而表示“实现 或“产生”等,且通常以“改进”、“变化”之类的词作宾语。
3、表示“影响”时,affect=have an effect on:
to affect apolicy is to have an effect on it. 影响一项政策就是对该政策具有一种影响。
the news did not affect her at all. = thenews had no effect on her at all. 这条消息对她没有一点影响。
第4个回答  2013-05-11
n.(名词)1. Something brought about by a cause or an agent; a result.
结果:由某种原因或行为而产生的事;结果2. The power to produce an outcome or achieve a result; influence:
影响,效用:能引起某种结果的力量;影响:用法与例句: The drug had an immediate effect on the pain. The government's action had no effect on the trade imbalance.
这药对止痛能立刻生效。政府的行为对商业不均衡毫无作用3. A scientific law, hypothesis, or phenomenon:
假设,现象:科技规律、假设或现象:用法与例句: the photovoltaic effect.
电光效应4. Advantage; avail:
利益;效益:用法与例句: used her words to great effect in influencing the jury.
她的话有易于影响陪审团5. The condition of being in full force or execution:
实施,实行:生效或实施的状况:用法与例句: a new regulation that goes into effect tomorrow.
新法规明日生效6. Something that produces a specific impression or supports a general design or intention:
感受,效果:产生特殊印象或为产生或支持总设计的东西:用法与例句: The lighting effects emphasized the harsh atmosphere of the drama.
灯光效果强调出这出戏残酷无情的气氛7. A particular impression:
特殊印象:用法与例句: large windows that gave an effect of spaciousness.
大窗户给人一种空旷感8. Production of a desired impression:
印象:一定印象的产物:用法与例句: spent lavishly on dinner just for effect.
晚餐吃得很奢侈浪费只是为了面子上好看9. The basic or general meaning; import:
主旨:主旨大意;要点:用法与例句: He said he was greatly worried, or words to that effect.
他说他非常担忧,或大致是这个意思10. effects Movable belongings; goods.
effects 动产:可移动的财产;货物effect的词性:
v.tr.(及物动词)effected, effecting, effects 11. To bring into existence.
使存在12. To produce as a result.
实现:产生一种结果13. To bring about.See Usage Note at affect 1
产生参见 affect1effect的习惯用语 14. In essence; to all purposes:
实质上;本质上:用法与例句: testimony that in effect contradicted her earlier statement.
证词实际上与她以前的话相反</习惯用语>effect的词源:15. Middle English
中古英语 16. from Old French
源自 古法语 17. from Latin effectus [past participle of] efficere [to accomplish]
源自 拉丁语 effectus [] efficere的过去分词 [实现] 18. ex- [ex-]
ex- [前缀,表“前”] 19. facere [to make] * see dh-
facere [做] *参见 dh- effect的词性:
adj.(形容词)【近义词】 effect, consequence, result, outcome, upshot, sequel