
桂鱼 200克,料酒 2克,松子 10克,胡椒粉少许,番茄酱 10克,植物油 500克,湿淀粉 40克 (实耗50克),食盐适量,食醋 15克。
1. 将桂鱼去鳞、鳃、鳍、内脏,去掉头上的皮衣,洗净,把鱼头斩下,摊开、拍扁。用刀把鱼背部的鱼骨切掉(不要把鱼腹切破),在尾巴处留约1雨的脊骨。桂鱼去骨后,皮朝下摊开,用斜刀切成花刀,刀深达肉的4/5,不要切破鱼皮,在尾巴处开一个口,将尾巴从刀口中拉出。
2. 将鱼身撒上食盐、胡椒粉、料酒、湿淀粉(少许)涂匀。
3. 炒锅上火,烧热后倒入植物油,油热至七成,将桂鱼蘸少许淀粉,放油锅中炸数分钟,再将鱼头蘸上淀粉,放入油锅中炸,炸至呈金黄色捞出,将有花刀的一面朝上摆在鱼盘中,装上鱼头。
4. 将松子放在油锅中,待熟后捞出,放小碗中。 5. 炒锅中留少许油,放入少许清汤,加食盐、糖、番茄酱、食醋,烧沸后,用湿淀粉勾芡,加入热油少许推匀,出锅浇在鱼肉上,撒上松子即可。


The raw material. GuiYu 200 grams, mirrin 2 grams, pine nuts 10 grams, some pepper, tomato 10 grams, vegetable oil 500 grams, wet starch 40 grams (real consumption 50 grams), salt and vinegar 15 grams apply. The act. 1 will GuiYu to scale, gills, fin, viscera, remove the head, wash, cut, the fish, pat flat out. With a knife cut off the back of the fish bones (not to the hindquarters cut broken), in the tail about 1 in the rain kept spine. After GuiYu bone, leather, with inclined towards under the knife cut out to take knife, the knife deep meat 4/5, don't cut broken skin, open a mouth in tail place, from a knife-edge tail. 2 the fish and salt, pepper, cooking, wet starch (little). 3. Fry pan fire, heat oil, oil into seven hot dip into a GuiYu, starch, put in the pan fry for several minutes, then dip the fish fry pan, add in starch, fry until golden, there will be flowers out of the fish in the pan, placed on the head. 4 will put oil, pine nuts, take a bowl. 5. Fry pan, add a little oil in a clear soup, add salt, sugar, vinegar, burn ketchup, boiling, use wet starch flour, add some hot oil poured out of the pot, stir tyre in fish, and pine nuts.
第1个回答  2009-03-30
GuiYu 200 grams, mirrin 2 grams, pine nuts 10 grams, some pepper, tomato 10 grams, vegetable oil 500 grams, wet starch 40 grams (real consumption 50 grams), salt and vinegar 15 grams apply.
The act.
1 will GuiYu to scale, gills, fin, viscera, remove the head, wash, cut, the fish, pat flat out. With a knife cut off the back of the fish bones (not to the hindquarters cut broken), in the tail about 1 in the rain kept spine. After GuiYu bone, leather, with inclined towards under the knife cut out to take knife, the knife deep meat 4/5, don't cut broken skin, open a mouth in tail place, from a knife-edge tail.
2 the fish and salt, pepper, cooking, wet starch (little).
3. Fry pan fire, heat oil, oil into seven hot dip into a GuiYu, starch, put in the pan fry for several minutes, then dip the fish fry pan, add in starch, fry until golden, there will be flowers out of the fish in the pan, placed on the head.
4 will put oil, pine nuts, take a bowl. 5. Fry pan, add a little oil in a clear soup, add salt, sugar, vinegar, burn ketchup, boiling, use wet starch flour, add some hot oil poured out of the pot, stir tyre in fish, and pine nuts.
第2个回答  2009-03-30
第3个回答  2009-03-30