
姓 名 XXX 性 别 男
出生年月 1984.01 民 族 汉
健康状况 健康 政治面貌 共青团员
联系方式 手机:XXX
家庭住址 山东省XX市XX乡XX村XX号

毕业院校 信息学院 毕业时间 2009.07
所学专业 电子信息科学与技术 学 制 四年
学 历 本科 学 位 工学学士
外语语种及程度 英语四级 506 培养方向 非定向
备 注 2006年3月通过全国高等学校计算机水平考试
熟练使用Microsoft Office系列软件办公,擅长互联网应用;



Personal Data
Name XXX
Gender BOY
Sex Male Date of birth 1984.01 health of the health status of ethnic Chinese political landscape komsomolets Contacts Mobile: XXX
home address XX City, Shandong Province XX rural village XX No. XX
Educational background and personal capacity
Graduate institutions graduated time information 2009.07 professional study of electronic information science and technology education four-year undergraduate degree educated workers learn a foreign language degree and extent of English Language training direction 4 506 non-directional Remarks in March 2006 through the National Universities Computer Proficiency Test in 2008 in May through the State Language Work Committee in Putonghua Proficiency Test of Digital Electronics Technology a good foundation, basic analog electronic technology, computer base;
Good English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability, fluent Chinese language skills, good English writing skills, Good at photography; skilled use of Microsoft Office family of software, office, specializes in Internet applications; skilled in both English and Chinese entry (English 180 characters / minutes, and 80 Chinese characters / minute); familiar with computer theory, network theory, to exclude the common computer software and hardware and network failures;
Familiar with the programming languages C, C + +, java, to use C, C + + for Embedded Development; will use a variety of commonly used software, such as the skilled use of PHOTOSHOP software graphic picture deal; social practice and work experience from 2005 to 2006, communication communicative practice -- - as the College of the press corps officer who interviewed photography services;
2006 ~ 2007, analog electronic practice - superheterodyne radio welding, assembly and commissioning, Venue: Institute of letter-mode electric electric laboratory; 2007 ~ 2008, electronic integrated practice - digital thermometer design, Venue: Institute of EDA Laboratory information ; 2008 ~ 2009, since the proposed program design practice - dos language and implementation of java language windows console encryption, Location: student hostels;
2008 ~ 2009, extra-curricular network maintenance practice - as a network administrator Development Zone, location:; 2008 ~ 2009, graduated from the design - C language implementation of the RF card locks remote control design (in progress), Location:, instructor: xxx.
Personal evaluation of disadvantage: sometimes arbitrary; sometimes loyalty to friends, easy to do not ask Green Red; advantages: as the job for their own cause; sincere toward others, helpfulness; as difficult as a gift from heaven; smiling face of difficulties, the courage to challenge; life credo: 1 +1 = 2.

第1个回答  2009-03-10
你好 myso1984
第2个回答  2009-03-07
Personal Data
Name XXX
Gender BOY
Sex Male Date of birth 1984.01 health of the health status of ethnic Chinese political landscape komsomolets Contacts Mobile: XXX
home address XX City, Shandong Province XX rural village XX No. XX
Educational background and personal capacity
Graduate institutions graduated time information 2009.07 professional study of electronic information science and technology education four-year undergraduate degree educated workers learn a foreign language degree and extent of English Language training direction 4 506 non-directional Remarks in March 2006 through the National Universities Computer Proficiency Test in 2008 in May through the State Language Work Committee in Putonghua Proficiency Test of Digital Electronics Technology a good foundation, basic analog electronic technology, computer base;
Good English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability, fluent Chinese language skills, good English writing skills, Good at photography; skilled use of Microsoft Office family of software, office, specializes in Internet applications; skilled in both English and Chinese entry (English 180 characters / minutes, and 80 Chinese characters / minute); familiar with computer theory, network theory, to exclude the common computer software and hardware and network failures;
Familiar with the programming languages C, C + +, java, to use C, C + + for Embedded Development; will use a variety of commonly used software, such as the skilled use of PHOTOSHOP software graphic picture deal; social practice and work experience from 2005 to 2006, communication communicative practice -- - as the College of the press corps officer who interviewed photography services;
2006 ~ 2007, analog electronic practice - superheterodyne radio welding, assembly and commissioning, Venue: Institute of letter-mode electric electric laboratory; 2007 ~ 2008, electronic integrated practice - digital thermometer design, Venue: Institute of EDA Laboratory information ; 2008 ~ 2009, since the proposed program design practice - dos language and implementation of java language windows console encryption, Location: student hostels;
2008 ~ 2009, extra-curricular network maintenance practice - as a network administrator Development Zone, location:; 2008 ~ 2009, graduated from the design - C language implementation of the RF card locks remote control design (in progress), Location:, instructor: xxx.
Personal evaluation of disadvantage: sometimes arbitrary; sometimes loyalty to friends, easy to do not ask Green Red; advantages: as the job for their own cause; sincere toward others, helpfulness; as difficult as a gift from heaven; smiling face of difficulties, the courage to challenge; life credo: 1 +1 = 2.
第3个回答  2009-03-15
Personal Data
Name XXX
Gender BOY
Sex Male Date of birth 1984.01 health of the health status of ethnic Chinese political landscape komsomolets Contacts Mobile: XXX
home address XX City, Shandong Province XX rural village XX No. XX
Educational background and personal capacity
Graduate institutions graduated time information 2009.07 professional study of electronic information science and technology education four-year undergraduate degree educated workers learn a foreign language degree and extent of English Language training direction 4 506 non-directional Remarks in March 2006 through the National Universities Computer Proficiency Test in 2008 in May through the State Language Work Committee in Putonghua Proficiency Test of Digital Electronics Technology a good foundation, basic analog electronic technology, computer base;
Good English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability, fluent Chinese language skills, good English writing skills, Good at photography; skilled use of Microsoft Office family of software, office, specializes in Internet applications; skilled in both English and Chinese entry (English 180 characters / minutes, and 80 Chinese characters / minute); familiar with computer theory, network theory, to exclude the common computer software and hardware and network failures;
Familiar with the programming languages C, C + +, java, to use C, C + + for Embedded Development; will use a variety of commonly used software, such as the skilled use of PHOTOSHOP software graphic picture deal; social practice and work experience from 2005 to 2006, communication communicative practice -- - as the College of the press corps officer who interviewed photography services;
2006 ~ 2007, analog electronic practice - superheterodyne radio welding, assembly and commissioning, Venue: Institute of letter-mode electric electric laboratory; 2007 ~ 2008, electronic integrated practice - digital thermometer design, Venue: Institute of EDA Laboratory information ; 2008 ~ 2009, since the proposed program design practice - dos language and implementation of java language windows console encryption, Location: student hostels;
2008 ~ 2009, extra-curricular network maintenance practice - as a network administrator Development Zone, location:; 2008 ~ 2009, graduated from the design - C language implementation of the RF card locks remote control design (in progress), Location:, instructor: xxx.
Personal evaluation of disadvantage: sometimes arbitrary; sometimes loyalty to friends, easy to do not ask Green Red; advantages: as the job for their own cause; sincere toward others, helpfulness; as difficult as a gift from heaven; smiling face of difficulties, the courage to challenge; life credo: 1 +1 = 2.
第4个回答  2009-03-12