the time that made me grow up的英语作文带翻译


Practise Makes Me Grow Up
Today is Thursday and it was sunny. I thought today was one of the most exciting and meaningful days in my life.I went to the filed and helped farmer to plant rice.I also went to many poor families’ houses to do our survey. Though I felt very tired and hungry but my mind always supported me. I never stopped to have a rest during our activities because I knew through this activity I can improve myself and make me strong.
At first, I was very afraid about planting rice.Many friends told me that there were many insects in the field and maybe I would drop into the mud. But when I reached the fild, I began to try to face the challenge. I made my mind to get over the problem.After seeing our teacher show how to plant rice for us, we went into the filed and began our wo-rk. Gradually I felt I beat myself and I could do the work quickly and well. While I was seeing the filed on the besides road, I really thought I had a big success! Also planting rice by myself makes me know how precious the rice is, I thought I would not waste rice at all.
In the afternoon, we went to poor families’ houses that in the countryside and did our survey. Before we knocking the door of the house, we were nervous. Maybe they would refuse us but what can we do? I knew we couldn’t go back, so I chose to go in. To our surprise,they were very friendly and were satisfied to accept our questions.We complete-d our survey at 4 o’clock. After counting the data, I found that the family in the country really needed help. I also thought I should do something for them.
In all , I thought I just like a farmer that harvested in the filed because I really grew up a lot.
第1个回答  2015-01-31
that made me grow up为定语从句是修饰time的