

众所周知,主语一般是由名词,名词性短语或名词性从句来担任的。然而在某些限定的语境中,一些在句子中通常起状语作用的介词短语、副词、 状语从句却可充当主语的作用。例如:
①Slowly is exactly how he speaks.  慢条斯里(地讲话)恰恰是他讲话的方式。
②Out on the lake will be splendid.  到湖上去一定棒极了。
③Will after the show be soon enough ?  演出后够快吗?
④Whenever you are ready will be fine.  你什么时候准备好都行。
⑤From words to deeds is a great space.  言行之间相距甚远。
不过这种将介、 副词作主语的表达形式并不适用于所有的场合,它仅出现在以下两种情况中.
1. 该介、 副词短语是一个含义自明的从句的一部分。
⑥A :When are we going to have the next meeting ?  我们何时召开下次会议?
B :On Tuesday will be fine.   星期二就不错。
或: During the vacation is what we decided.  在假期里是我们所决定的时间。
或: In March suits me.  在三月份适合我。
或: Between 6 and 7 may be convenient . 六、 七点钟之间可能合适些。
B : ( The proposal that we meet) on Tuesday will be fine.
或: (Meeting) during the vacation is what we decided.
或: ( To meet) in March suits me.
或: ( To meet) between 6 and 7 may be convenient .
2. 当该句可以转换为非人称 It + be 的句式时,例如:
⑦To York is not very far . = It is not very far to York.  到约克郡不是很远。
⑧From here to Philadelphia is only a hundred miles. = Itp s only a hundred miles from here to Philadelphia.  从这儿到费城只有一百英里。 
⑨In the evenings is best for me. = It is best for me in the evenings.
需要注意的是: ①介、 副词短语作主语被视为单数概念,要求与之相应的谓语动词用单数形式。②不要将位于句首起状语作用的介、 副词短语和作主语的介、 副词短语混淆。下列三句中的黑体部分用作主语。
⑩To the list may be added the following names.  名单上还可加上下列名字。
 l have From the distance came occasional shots.  远处偶而传来几声枪响。
 l will Safely in harbour is the ship.  船只平安地停在港里。
第1个回答  2012-06-02
In the middle of the forest lies a small lake .森林中间有一个小湖。
第2个回答  2012-06-02