be occupied with和be occupied in分别什么意思哦?


be occupied with和be occupied in都表示"忙于"的意思,但在具体用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别。

1. 释义区别:

   - "be occupied with"表示某人的注意力或时间被特定的活动、任务或问题所占据。

   - "be occupied in"表示某人正在从事或专注于特定的工作、职业或领域。


- She is currently occupied with writing her thesis. (她目前忙于写她的论文。)

- He is occupied in managing his own business. (他忙于经营自己的生意。)

2. 用法区别:

   - "be occupied with"通常用于强调某人的关注度和投入度,表示注意力被占据。

   - "be occupied in"通常用于描述某人的工作状态、职业身份或在特定领域中的从事情况。


- She is occupied with solving a complex math problem. (她忙于解决一个复杂的数学问题。)

- He is occupied in the field of research and development. (他从事研发领域的工作。)

3. 使用环境区别:

   - "be occupied with"常用于描述个人的兴趣、爱好、学习、思考等非工作相关的情况。

   - "be occupied in"常用于描述正式的工作、职业或具体的行业领域。


- She is occupied with reading novels in her leisure time. (她在业余时间忙于阅读小说。)

- He is occupied in the healthcare industry as a doctor. (他作为一名医生从事医疗行业工作。)

4. 影响范围区别:

   - "be occupied with"侧重于个人或团体内部的活动、任务和思考。

   - "be occupied in"则更广泛地指涉一个人从事的专业、工作或领域。


- They are occupied with planning their vacation. (他们忙于计划他们的假期。)

- He is occupied in the field of finance and works for a large investment bank. (他在金融领域从事工作,并在一家大型投资银行工作。)

5. 形象区别:

   - "be occupied with"可以暗示较短期的、个人兴趣导向的活动。

   - "be occupied in"更常用于形容长期性的、正式的职业或工作状态。


- She is always occupied with various hobbies. (她总是忙于各种兴趣爱好。)

- He has been occupied in the legal profession for over 20 years. (他从事法律职业已经有20多年了。)

第1个回答  2021-10-21

be occupied with

英 [bi ˈɒkjupaɪd wɪð]   美 [bi ˈɑːkjupaɪd wɪð]  


be occupied in

英 [bi ˈɒkjupaɪd ɪn]   美 [bi ˈɑːkjupaɪd ɪn]  


Of course I have no too much knowledge about this, but I think it must be occupied in modern time.


To be occupied in what does not concern you is worse than doing nothing.


Die castings of light metals including aluminum, magnesium and titanium will be occupied in leading status in market.


第2个回答  2023-07-17

"be occupied with"和"be occupied in"都表示某人正在忙于做某事,但它们在用法和意义上稍有不同。

"be occupied with"表示某人正在从事或忙于某个特定的活动、任务或思考。它通常指涉的是一种动作、活动或任务的状态。例如:

- He is occupied with his research project.(他正专注于他的研究项目。)
- She is occupied with preparing for the exam.(她忙于准备考试。)

"be occupied in"表示某人忙于从事某个领域、行业或工作。它通常指涉的是一种工作、职业或领域的状态。例如:

- He is occupied in the banking industry.(他在银行业工作。)
- She is occupied in the field of medicine.(她从事医学领域的工作。)

总体而言,"be occupied with"更强调某人正在忙于特定的活动或任务,而"be occupied in"更强调某人从事某个领域或行业的工作。

第3个回答  2023-07-27

首先我们来看下be occupied with和be occupied in的大致意思:

be occupied with:词性为动词短语,指在进行某项活动或任务时所花费的时间和精力

be occupied in:词性为动词短语,指在特定的领域、活动或工作中忙碌或投入

通过下面的表格我们了解下be occupied with和be occupied in的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下be occupied with和be occupied in的用法区别:

1.用法:be occupied with强调忙于做某事,是一种状态;be occupied in强调从事某种活动或工作,是一种行为


- She was occupied with work all day.


- He is often occupied in the library.


2.语义:be occupied with更常用于抽象的事物,如思考、计划、研究等;be occupied in更常用于具体的活动、工作、任务等


- He was occupied with doing his homework.


- They are occupied in conducting an important research.


3.时间:be occupied with通常指长时间或全天候地忙于某事;be occupied in通常指短时间或特定时段内从事某项活动


- He was occupied with his friend's wedding arrangements throughout the whole weekend.


- He is occupied in the gym every morning.


4.重点:be occupied with强调对某事的关注、专注或热衷;be occupied in强调参与某项活动或工作的实际行动


- He has been occupied with the planning of the new project.


- She is occupied in participating in an art exhibition.


第4个回答  2023-07-26
be occupied with意思是忙于做,专心于;忙碌.
be occupied in意思是忙于:指在某个活动或任务中投入时间和精力.