a pain in the neck翻译


a pain in the neck翻译:讨厌鬼


1、Don't tell me Christopher is coming, wherever he goes he's a pain in the neck.不要告诉我克里斯托夫要来,不管他到哪里,他总是个令人讨厌的家伙。

2、Learning another language is a pain in the neck but ultimately is rewarding.学外语又烦人又困难,不过以后会苦尽甘来。

3、It can happen to anyone. 189. It's a pain in the neck.这事可能发生在任何人身上。这真是苦不堪言。

4、My neighbour always plays loud music late at night. He's a pain in the neck.我的邻居总是在深夜大声播放音乐,他真的让人非常生气。

5、Little John was so naughty that he literally became a pain in the neck to the whole family.小约翰太调皮了,简直成了全家讨厌的人。

6、I know he's a pain in the neck, but we just got to keep him safe till Monday.我知道他很讨厌,但我们只要忍受到星期一就行了。

7、The little children were a pain in the neck on the long car trip, because they wouldn't be quiet.小孩子们在长途旅行中总是很烦人,怎么也安静不下来。
