

例:He was badly hurt in the car crash. 他在撞车事故中严重受伤。/ What you said has hurt him. 你的话伤了他的感情。/ 当某人拒绝了另一个的要求(或爱情),对方非常难过的同时某人自己对此也十分难过时,可以简单地表达为:I feel so bad to hurt her/him. / Her reputation was hurt by the enemy’s vicious lies. 她的名誉被敌人的恶毒谎言所败坏。Injure:指广义的损伤,当它表示受伤时,多指容貌、机能的损伤。与hurt相比,injure较为正式。Hurt强调伤害造成的痛苦,但可能并不影响被伤害物的可使用性,而injure则不同,它至少指短期之内某些功能的丧失。例:He’s injured in the leg and walks with a limp.他腿部受伤,走起路来一瘸一拐的。/ Drinking can injure one’s health.饮酒会伤害身体。/ A bird hopped about helplessly as if one of its wings had been injured.一只鸟孤弱地跳来跳去,好像是一只翅膀受了伤。Wound:指外伤,偶尔也用于比喻。例:In the battle, ten soldiers were killed and many wounded.在那一仗里,死了十个士兵,伤了许多。 / The bullet wounded him in the shoulder.子弹打伤了他的肩膀。 /His wound caused him great pain.他的伤使他觉得剧痛。