
圣保罗大教堂有欧洲最大的地下室,里面有很多名人的坟墓。例如,打败拿破仑的威灵顿将军等,其中有一座特殊的坟墓,里面埋着圣保罗大教堂的设计者Christopher Wren.他的纪念碑上写着“If you seek his monument,just look around."

St.Paul's Cathedral has the largest crypt of Europe, where many celebrities were interred, such as General Wellington who ever defeated Napoleon. In the crypt, there lies a special tomb inside which the designer of St.Paul's Cathedral, Christopher Wren, was buried. On the wall above his tomb is written, "Lector, si monumentum requiris, circumspice" (if you seek his monument, look around you).

第1个回答  2010-09-28
Paul's Cathedral, Europe's largest basement, there are many graves of famous people.For example, Wellington defeated Napoleon's generals, including a special tomb, buried inside the designer of St.Paul's Cathedral Christopher Wren.His monument reads "If you seek his monument, just look around." .
第2个回答  2010-09-28
The crypt in St. Paul's Cathedral is the largest basement within Europe. There are many graves of well-known people in the crypt, such as Duke of Wellington, who defeated Napoleon. Among all these graves there is a special one, which buried the designer of the Cathedral - Christopher Wren. His monument reads "If you seek his monument, just look around."本回答被提问者采纳