

Last weekend,my parents took me to Beijing.It was a wonderful trip.We got there by train.When we reached there,I visited the Summer Palace.Then,I visited the Great Wall.On Sat.evening,we listened to a concert.On Sun.morning,we took a taxi to Tian’an Men Square to see the flag rising.In the afternoon,I visited Summer Palace,which had attracted lots of foreign visitors.A wonderful trip,do you agree?
第1个回答  2016-04-28
嗯 还有就是 现在我报读的ABC天芐英语的老师才和我提过 如果要掌握好英语很简单的!必须需要个适宜的学习空间与熟练口语对象,老师水平是关键 纯正欧美口音(非东南亚)才是最好,保持天天练习口语,一对一家教式辅导才会有更.好.的学习成果!学习后还要重复复习课后录音反馈 更可以加深印象~若真的是无口语交谈的人的情况 最好能去听力室或沪江取得课后材料研习,多说、多练、多问、多听、多读 一下子英语水平会进步许多 学习成长肯定会迅速明显的 I have been to BeiJing for a travel. it was a great journey! we have went to see the Imperial Palace and the great wall and them let me feel that I was proud to be a Cnese. the Imperial Palace noted the story. there were many antisues wch we could espy the great culture . from the great wall,it was a well-n wonder in the world.it is made of big stones wch was too heavy to bring even uesing it to buil a construction of ruggedization. what a great grandeur!
第2个回答  2018-10-18
Last weekend,my parents took me to Beijing.It was a wonderful trip.We got there by train.When we reached there,I visited the Summer Palace.Then,I visited the Great Wall.On Sat.evening,we listened to a concert.On Sun.morning,we took a taxi to Tian’an Men Square to see the flag rising.In the afternoon,I visited Summer Palace,which had attracted lots of foreign visitors.A wonderful trip,do you agree?