英语作文:上周末Gina和她的父母坐火车去北京旅行。请根据下面的提示写一篇60词短文。 提示:

英语作文:上周末Gina和她的父母坐火车去北京旅行。请根据下面的提示写一篇60词短文。 提示:1.火车上人很多,一些人没有座位;2.有人在谈话,有人在睡觉,有人在看书;3.Gina朝窗外看,一路上看到了很多牛羊和有趣的建筑等。

第1个回答  2016-06-29
Gina went to baijing with her parents on vacation last week ,they went there by train
there were so many people in the train ,some of them hasn't a seat ,some people talked each other ,read books or slept。Glina looked out of the window,he saw lots of cattles and sheeps and he saw some interesting building too.