“pass by”中的pass等于什么?


等于go past走过。pass by ['pa:sbai]经过;走过;逝去,路过,走过。比如Pass by the fervid flowers that press themselves on your sight.穿过扑来眼底的热情的繁花,不去管她们的殷勤。

Perhaps he tells me he will pass by our city after several weeks.他告诉我也许他在几周后要路过我们城市。

pass作为名词的时候意思是穿过, 经过; 护照; 通行证; 入场证。pass作为动词的时候意思是经过, 流通, 变化; 经过, 越过, 穿过; 传递; 超出, 超越; 传达。

He passed by withoutgreeting me.他经过我面前时没打招呼。A bus passed by just amoment aso.一辆公共汽车刚开过去。等于(time)elapse :(chanceor opportunity)slip by(时间)过去;The patient grewsteadily better as the days passed by.一天天过去了,病人逐渐好转起来。

也等于overlook;ignore忽略,We'll pass that matterby for the moment.我们暂时不去考虑那件事。In making the selectionwe passed this short piece by quite inadvertently.在挑选时我们完全由于疏忽而漏过了这篇短文。
