英语周报高三外研scc 2014-2015第10期参考答案


Book 4Modules 1-2参考答案及部分解析
1-5 CADBB 6-10 CDCAC
11-15 BADCA 16-20 CBCDA
21-25 ABABC 26-30 ADBAD
31-35 DDBAC 36-40 DDBCD
41-45 BADAB 46-50 CDCDB
51-55 GAFEC
56. To save dogs.
57. On May 29th.
58. He designed T-shirts with his father and sold them online.
59. An organization that rescues dogs.
60. His love of dogs.
61. ... brother was run ... run → running
62. ... surrounded a course ... a → the
63. ... then I saw ... then → when
64.When they went ... they → we
65. There are thousands ... are → were
66. ... as much as ... much → many
67. ... down the hill ... down → up
68. ... three bags golf ... bags 后加of
69. ... and you never ... 去掉and
70. ... know that you ... that → what
One possible version:
Dear Lucy, How are you doing?
I'm very glad to hear that you'll come to visit our city with your parents. We can all meet each other at that time. How happy we will be!
By the way, would you do me a favor? I'd like to have an English version of Emma. Will you please buy one for me in the United States? I'll pay you back when you come here.
You are welcome to visit my home and my beautiful school. I'll show you around the school and the whole city. I believe you'll have a good time. I'm looking forward to seeing you here.
Chen Lan
1. C。由下句中的It’s going to be all right 可知,应答者在安慰发话者,故选Keep cool(保持冷静)。
2. A。由语境可知new bus service 在此表特指,故第一空用the;free of charge是固定短语,意为“免费”。
3. D 。由still look fat 与exercising fairly regularly 可知,前后两句之间是让步关系,故选even though。
4. B。predict 与future 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且predict 所表示的动作已经发生,故选predicted。
5. B。状语从句no matter _____ happens in life中缺少主语,故选what。
6. C。receive(接待)是将来某时(4o’clock this afternoon)正在进行的动作,故选will be receiving。
7. D。设空处引导限制性定语从句,且先行词有the same修饰,故选as。
8. C。由Is that Mary和since we arrived可知,try 所表示的动作从过去某时开始一直持续到现在,故选have been trying。
9. A。题意:当海伦打开电视时,新闻报道已经开始了。故选in progress(在进行中)。
10. C。分析句子结构可知,主句应是一个祈使句,故用动词原形开头。
11. B。根据catch fire 和into the sea 可知,飞机起火后“坠(crash)”入大 海。
12. A。上文提到的场景都不是拍摄时真实“发生(happen)”的情况。
13. D。上文的look so real是提示。
14. C。下文介绍了几种电影特效是如何制作的,故此处指,要想“搞清楚 (understand)”。 15. A。下文介绍的是电影摄像机是如何“工作(works)”的。
16. C。根据Like most cameras 可知,电影摄像机也是“一次(at a time)” 拍一张照片。
17. B。根据下文的as many as twenty- -four pictures each second 可知拍摄 速度之“快(fast)”。 18. C。根据常识可知,我们看到的电影画面应该是“ 长的、连续的 (long)”、移动的画面。
19. D。既然要拍出打斗的场面,那么应该是在画面之间“转换(changing)” 背景。
20. A。下文是举的一个例子,故选 For example。
21. A。根据下文的The monsters look as if they are moving all by themselves 可知,要拍出玩具怪兽打斗的场景,怪兽不会自己动,只能是被人“移动(moved)”。
22. B。电影放映时,这些图片被“一起 (together)”播放出来,这样看起来就有了动感。
23. A。由下文的break over a person's head 及falls through the“glass”可知,拍摄电影时,有些东西做出来就是要让它“破碎(break apart)” 的。
24. B。根据上文的made of wax 可知,这种瓶子砸在头上也不会“伤(hurting)”着头。
25. C。根据上文的made of sugar可知,“玻璃”破了也不“危险(dangerous)” 。
26. A。根据下文的So the camera moved back and forth 可知,“摄像机(camera)”在动。
27. D。摄像机当然是在“拍摄(filmed)” 这些模型。
28. B。由下文的as if the models were flying 可知,这些模型不会“飞(fly)”。
29. A。根据第一段的Movies are full of excitement 可知,特效让电影看上去很“刺激(exciting)”。
30. D。根据最后一句See how many you can figure out 可知,此处是说,下次你再看电影时,“找找(spot)” 电影里用了哪些特效。
31. D。细节理解题。根据前两段可知,作者有半天的空闲时间,尽管有很多选择,他还是选择没有目的的旅行,说明他想发现意外的惊喜。
32. D。细节理解题。根据第三段的 headed south with absolutely no destination in mind 可知,作者租好车以后就漫无目的地出发了。
33. B。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的But this was much more rewarding ... having an unexpected and unrepeatable experience 可知,作者在San Gregorio 的经历让他很愉悦。
34. A。推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,作者希望大家也能像他一样尝试这种漫无目的的旅游。
35. C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的 a constant source of frustration for travellers 及Sad but true 可知,这个问题确实让人心烦。
36. D。推理判断题。由文章第二段的... so if you want ease of passage, ... and you have to plan in advance. You need to weigh your luggage before the flight and, if you’re with your family, you have to learn to share that weight around before you get to the airport. 可知旅客们提前做好计划也许会省下时间和金钱。
37. D。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的You should contact the UK European Consumer Centre and they'll help you fight your case 可知。
38. B。推理判断题。两位写信求助的人都是因为自己在消费过程中遇到了麻烦,希望能捍卫自己的消费者权益。
39. C。细节理解题。根据第五段Koshik is particularly good with vowels, with a rate of similarity of 67 percent, the researchers said. For consonants he scores only 21 percent 可知,这只大象发的辅音不是太好。
40. D。推理判断题。虽然哈萨克斯坦 动物园宣布了Batyr 会模仿人说话,但毕竟没办法证实。文章中给出Batyr 的例子是为了说明Koshik 是到目前为止唯一被证实可以模仿人说话的大象。
41. B。细节理解题。根据第三段的They said he may have started imitating human speech because he was lonely 及最后三段可知,这只大象之所以模仿人类的语言主要是因为它太孤单了。
42. A。词义猜测题。根据下文可知,饲养员陪伴这只大象是因为它刚 到动物园时胆子很小。
43. D。细节理解题。根据第一段的 so when handling raw fish, women cook it a little可知,他认为女厨师 因为体温高,会把生鱼片做坏。
44. A。推理判断题。根据本段中的 illogical 及inequities 可知,作者认为这是一种不公平的社会现象。
45. B。推理判断题。作者这里所举的两个例子都是社会不公平现象,所以他觉得现在的医疗保险制度仍需改进,让穷人也能享受到这样的福利。
46. C。写作手法题。根据文中所举的几个例子及所使用的表达,如:It's a tool that should be in wider use, most of us would just blow it on drugs 等,都可以看出作者在写作时所使用的讽刺腔调。
本文是议论文。文章探讨了是否 有必要让每一个孩子都收到情人节卡片的问题。
47. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的“If your child chooses to exchange Valentine cards in school,” they wrote,“he or she should have one for each classmate.”可知。
48. C。细节理解题。由第四段中的 This is all aimed at avoiding“hurt feelings.”及the work of the same mindset that demands a prize for every player on the playground team and the designation of every player ... as a“winner.”可知。
49. D 。词义猜测题。由下文的Instead of celebrating excellence, political correctness encourages mediocrity 可推断,让每一个参赛者都有奖品或成为胜利者的思想 倾向对孩子们来说是不适当的。故选inappropriate。
50. B。推理判断题。由第六段中的 She never received a “secret admirer” card ... “I survived, and lived to tell about it.”可推断, Bethany Ramos 认为收不到情人节卡片对孩子来说不是什么大不了的事情,因而学校的规定是不必要的。