
在第一部第五集中you don't say.字幕中翻译为“看得出来”是这样的吗?请帮我分析一下。
同一集中“oh well,hold on camper ,are you sure you've thought this thing through”中的 hold on camper字幕中译为“等等”放在语境中的确是这个意思,字典中查不到。
"oh my God,Joey,for all we know this guy could be horribly……"能不能帮我讲下for all we know 这个插入语的意思及用法
So I blew off the rest of the day 字幕中译为“我的整个下午就这样毁了”我知道blow有搞杂的意思,blow off 在这里是什么意思?
you don't say 的上下文为
A:You look great!
B: That's because I'm wearing a dress that accents my boobs.
A: You don't say!

you don't say 要给我上下文

hold on camper是等等或着等一下

for all we know跟as we all know 是一样的

blew off是摧毁的意思, 在这里是浪费的意思
第1个回答  2006-11-20
你提的问题很有意思 这是英语网站对you don't say的解释
you don't say
How surprising, is that true? Also, I find that hard to believe. For example, I've been working on this project for two years.--You don't say, or The man who runs this soup kitchen is a real saint.--You don't say! This expression, a shortening of you don't say so, may be used straightforwardly or ironically.
也就是 真的吗?或难以置信的意思 语气强时应该也可以翻成闭嘴