






81. 我们越是学习,就越是深刻地意识到自己知识的贫乏。

82. 玛丽不像喜欢弹钢琴那样喜欢读小说。

83. 当时我决未想到他是在捉弄我。

84. 我们常把老师的一生比作蜡烛,照亮了别人,燃尽了自己。

85. 人们必须采取措施尽可能防止青少年犯罪。

80. 我在盼望着您的生日聚会
81. 约翰会忆过去,似乎一切都很顺利。
82. 他的介绍太简短了,观众们都没听懂。
83. 尽管问题会得到解决,但要找到解决的办法并不那么容易。
84. 由于我的粗心,一切都给搞糟了。

86. 他用了大约两个小时来寻找这张照片。

87. 他的这篇论文对民歌的研究有很大贡献。

88. 警察怀疑他是抢劫犯。

89. 你必须把所有的因素都考虑进去。

90. 他们胁迫她在合同上签字。

86. 电视提供各种不同的娱乐节目。

87. 你无权干涉我的事

88. 只有用这种方法,你才能获得成功

89. 首先,你应该努力学习英语语法

90. 我们正在进行这项学科的研究。


The story you just told reminds me of an experience of my own.

As is said above, our force will win this battle without doubt.

Every year the government provide great funding for free medical care.

Physicists have solved this problem in this experiment successfully.

When someone knocked at the door, Dr. Smiths was trying to figure out what these strange symbols mean.


81. 我们越是学习,就越是深刻地意识到自己知识的贫乏。
The more we study, the more deeply we realize how much we are lacking in knowledge.
82. 玛丽不像喜欢弹钢琴那样喜欢读小说。
Mary doesn't like playing piano as much as reading novels.
83. 当时我决未想到他是在捉弄我。
At that time, what I definitely did not think of was that he was playing a joke with me.
84. 我们常把老师的一生比作蜡烛,照亮了别人,燃尽了自己。
We always compare a teacher's life to a candle in that it burns itself up in order to light up for the others.
85. 人们必须采取措施尽可能防止青少年犯罪。
People must take measures to prevent juvenile crimes.
80. 我在盼望着您的生日聚会
I'm looking forward to your birthday party.
81. 约翰会忆过去,似乎一切都很顺利。
John would think back on the past and everything seemed to have gone well.
82. 他的介绍太简短了,观众们都没听懂。
His introduction was so brief that the audience didn't understand him.
83. 尽管问题会得到解决,但要找到解决的办法并不那么容易。
Although the problem will be solved, it is now easy to find the solution.
84. 由于我的粗心,一切都给搞糟了。
Because of my carelessness, everything was ruined.

86. 他用了大约两个小时来寻找这张照片。
He spent about two hours looking for this photo.

87. 他的这篇论文对民歌的研究有很大贡献。
His essay makes great contirbution to the study of folk songs.

88. 警察怀疑他是抢劫犯。
The police suspect that he is the robber.

89. 你必须把所有的因素都考虑进去。
You have to take every factor into consideration.

90. 他们胁迫她在合同上签字。
They forced her to sign the contract.

86. 电视提供各种不同的娱乐节目。
Television provides all kinds of entertaining prgrams.

87. 你无权干涉我的事
You have no right to interfere with my business.

88. 只有用这种方法,你才能获得成功
Only in this way can you succeed.

89. 首先,你应该努力学习英语语法
First you need to work hard on English grammar.

90. 我们正在进行这项学科的研究。

We are proceeding in the study of this dicipline.
第1个回答  2014-05-09
80. the story you have just told reminds me of an experience I once had.
81. as mentioned above, our forces will no doubt win the battle.
82. the Government provided free medical care every year large sums of money.
83. in the experimental physicists have succeeded in solving this problem.
84. when someone knocks, Dr Smith, trying to see these strange within the meaning of the symbol.
81. the more we learn, the more acutely aware of their lack of knowledge.
82. Mary unlike likes playing the piano, like reading a novel.
83. at the time I did not expect him to be playing tricks on me.
84. the teacher's life is often compared to a candle, illuminating others%E本回答被网友采纳