
The change of the voices
The voice said here refers to the active voice and passive voice, we often use the passive voice in English, while the Chinese language is seldom used. The translation process in order to meet the target language translation of the formulation, methods, and habits of the original sentence parts of speech, sentence patterns, and voice and the conversion. Specifically, that is, part of speech context, the noun is converted to pronouns, adjectives, verbs; the verbs into nouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions; the adjectives into adverbs and phrases. Components in the sentence, the subject becomes adverbial, attributive, object, predicative; the predicate into a subject, attributive, predicative; put into attributive adverbial, subject; the object into a subject. In the sentence context, the compound sentence into a complex sentence, the adverbial clause into attributive clause. In the voice, it can be to the active voice into passive voice。如:
1 The coming physics examination is said to be rather difficult,so we must get well prepared for it.即将举行的物理考试据说相当困难,所以我们必须做好充分准备。
2 In order to do research in nuclear physics,the young teachers are required to complete a two years graduate course.为了能进行核物理方面的研究,要求这些青年教师读完两年研究生课程。

In short, the handling of the process of translation must be cautious and flexible, non-mechanically translated and dead translation, much less expected to be too literally. But should be as complete as possible to consider the various factors involved, fully taking into account the linguistic characteristics and cultural background, according to the specific situation carefully considered, the use of an appropriate translation method, we could achieve a balance between form and content in order to convey the successful translation of the essence of the sentence.

1、陈文伯 《英语成语与汉语成语》,外语教学与研究出版社,1982版。
4、忠梁,大学英语翻译技巧》, 东方出版中心,2005年版。

The change of voices
The "voice" that is mentioned refers to the "active voice" and "passive voice". We often use passive voice in English, while it is seldom used in Chinese. In order to meet the requirements of translation, the formulation, methods, parts of speech, sentence patterns, voices, and conversion must be noted and should be included in the process of translation. Specifically, the part of speech. The noun could be converted to pronouns, adjectives, or verbs; the verbs to nouns, adjectives, adverbs, or prepositions; the adjectives into adverbs and phrases. Affected by the components of a sentence, the subject can become an adverb; the predicate into a subject. In the sentences context, the compound sentence can be changed into a complex sentence. The adverbial clause can be changed into attributive clause. In the voice, it can be transformed into active voice or passive voice。For example:
1 The coming physics examination is said to be rather difficult,so we must get well prepared for it.即将举行的物理考试据说相当困难,所以我们必须做好充分准备。
2 In order to do research in nuclear physics,the young teachers are required to complete a two years graduate course.为了能进行核物理方面的研究,要求这些青年教师读完两年研究生课程。

In short, the techniques used in translation must be cautious and flexible. They should be non-mechanically translated and not be directly translated. However, one should be as complete as possible to consider the various factors involved, fully taking into account the linguistic characteristics and cultural background, according to the specific situation carefully considered. By using an appropriate translation method, we could achieve a balance between form and content in order to convey the successful translation of the essence of the sentence.

