pick up的所有用法?


pick up 的 12 种用法如下:

1. 捡起、拿起(某物);扶起(某人)
  Mr Black picked up his hat and went out. 布莱克先生拿起帽子走了出去。

2. (在无线电中)收听、接收
  It is necessary to use a short-wave radio to pick up the programmes. 必须有一台短波收音机才能收听到这些节目。

3. (用车)来接(可以是到某处去接某人或载货,也可以是中途顺便把人或物带走)
  I'll pick you up at your home tomorrow. 明天我会开车到你家接你。

4. 跌倒后(自己)站起来
  The little girl slipped and fell, but she quickly picked herself up. 这个小女孩滑倒了,但很快就站了起来。

5. 收拾;整理
  You'd better pick up the tools after finishing the work. 完成工作后你最好把这些工具收拾起来。

6. (指不是通过正规教育和指导)学会、掌握、(尤指偶然地)得到消息
  I don't know where my children have picked up those rude words. 我不知道我的孩子在哪儿学来的那些粗话。

7. 无意地(用较少的钱)买到;顺便去买
You can often pick up lots of used stamps very cheaply. 你经常可以很便宜地买到大量用过的邮票。

8. 恢复精神 / 健康;(生意)好转、恢复
This old man is beginning to pick up now. 现在这位老人开始恢复健康。

9. 加快(速度)
The wild horses picked up speed, so the hunters couldn't catch up with them. 野马加快了速度,因此猎人们追不上它们了。

10. (未经正式介绍)随便地结识(常指异性)
I think Jack picked Mary up at a dance. 我想杰克一定是在一次舞会上认识玛丽的。

11. 挣得(某物,尤指一笔钱)
My brother picked up 120 dollars for three days' work. 我弟弟工作了3天, 挣了120美元。

12. 捉住;逮捕
The police picked the thief up as he was leaving the shop. 窃贼正要离开商店时,警察捉住了他。
第1个回答  2011-09-17
这个词组是捡起来的 意思