

(Wanna to improve your English? Follow the steps below)
I.Go and buy some English cassettes and listen to it each day.
II. Get into the habit of writing down what you don't understand in your class, so that you can ask your teacher(s) for more details afterward.
III. Learn some new words every day.
IV. Chose and join on weekends an English club in which you can talk with others in English.
V. It also can be much helpful to see the movies or listen to the songs in the original.
2. 盒式录音带一般用cassette这个词来表达。
3. ask somebody for something 是惯常的表达。当然,我们不主张直接找老师问答案,因此这里在翻译时变换了一下。
4. 有关俱乐部的那一句,一句话就能表达清楚。
5. 关于背单词这一句,recite一词的意思是把学过的东西(通常是诗文,文学片断等)对人背诵出来。因此这里用learn.它本身就有学习记忆的意思。
6. In the original 就是原版的意思。因为不说也知道是什么原版,为了避免重复,就不用English movies 了。

第1个回答  2007-09-17
You can listen to the English tapes everyday.And take some notes which you can't make head and ask teacher after class.
Recite words day by day.You can join the English club on weekends and communicate with classmates more and more.You can also see some English movies or listen some English songs which will be helpful to your English.