

The emperor's new clothes
A luxury and foolish king every day just to change clothes, a day kingdoms to the two swindlers, they claim that can produce a wonderful clothes, the dress only sages can see, fools can not see. Liars asked for a lot of treasure, continue to claim that the dress how luxurious and Guo color eye-catching, was sent to the officials could not see the clothes. However, in order to cover up their own "ignorance", they say that they can see the dress, and the king also is such, finally wearing this see not see "clothes" took to the streets in protest, a child said: "he doesn't wear what ah!".
第1个回答  2016-05-13
Once upon a time,there was an emperor who liked wearing new clothes.One day,two people told the emperor that they could make magical clothes.And only the clever people could see it.In fact,two people were crooks,they told the lie to make money.But the emperor believed them,and he gave them much money to make cloth.Then,on a special day,the emperor planned to show off his new clothes.Two crooks dressed him.But there was nothing but the air.The emperor was afraid,he thought he was stupid.But he made as if he was very pleased in order to show he is a clever man.Everyone could also see nothing,but no one said the truth.Finally,a little boy said"But he is wearing nothing!"Soon,many people repeated his words.The emperor was afraid.But the only thing he could do was to go on walking.What a foolish emperor!
第2个回答  2018-05-05