

近年来,市场上有时会发现个别肉鸡胸部肌肉中有局部呈现绿色的现象。这种现象在国内外的肉鸡产品中都有发生。虽然这种现象的发生率很低,但消费者对这种不常见的现象难以理解,特提请各位供应商予以高度重视。根据国内外有关资料和农业部有关检测机构对往部分绿色鸡肉的鉴定分析、家禽业专家的意见,现对绿色鸡肉发生的原因、对食品安全的影响及可能的控制措施总结如下:1、因鸡肉组织中血管受损引起的绿色胸肌(Green Breast Muscle)(1) 出现的原因:由于鸡只因挣扎、强烈拍翅引起肌肉过激运动,导致鸡胸深肌中血液供应被阻断或减少而导致的局部肉颜色变化。本现象一般无临床症状,常因表层胸浅肌外观无异常而不易被检出。(2) 该现象对食品安全的影响:无食品安全影响,参见澳大利亚鸡肉联合会关于绿色鸡肉的下列声明:Statement of Australian Chicken Meat Federation澳大利亚鸡肉联合会关于绿色鸡肉的声明2006.07.17The green-tinged part of a chicken breast fillet is the result of a damaged blood vessel. This condition is known as green muscle. 鸡胸肉中出现的局部绿色缘自鸡肉中血管的受损。这个现象称为绿色胸肌。�6�1It is NOT of any food safety concern, even if cooked and consumed. 该现象没有任何食品安全隐患,即使熟制后食用。�6�1It is a rare condition that at times cannot be detected during processing. It is not due to bacteria as implied in the ACA story. 这是一种很少见的现象,且屠宰加工时不会被检出。该现象非微生物原因引起。�6�1It happens when the blood supply to the deep muscle tissue such as the large breast muscle is interrupted or reduced because of compromised blood supply such as a damaged blood vessel. It can happen when a muscle is over exerted e.g. by strong flapping of the wings. 流向深肌组织例如大胸肌的血液因供血变差(例如血管受损)而被阻断或减少时,导致这种现象。当肌肉强烈运动例如鸡激烈拍打翅膀时,就会发生这种现象。