
所属行业: 运输,物流
工作部门: 财务部
职位: 会计
工作内容: 统计公司海员流动情况,调整其职位变动后工资变化。平时统计与海员间的应收应付类款项,公司内员工产生的费用类款项,月底协助总账会计出报表

培训机构 :用友软件股份有限公司
培训地点 :上海用友软件股份有限公司
培训课程 :ERP企业经营决策模拟对抗训练课程
获得证书 :用友软件培训证书
详细描述 :关于用友财务软件的应用和实际操作


第1个回答  2008-09-23
所属行业: 运输,物流
工作部门: 财务部
职位: 会计
工作内容: 统计公司海员流动情况,调整其职位变动后工资变化。平时统计与海员间的应收应付类款项,公司内员工产生的费用类款项,月底协助总账会计出报表

培训机构 :用友软件股份有限公司
培训地点 :上海用友软件股份有限公司
培训课程 :ERP企业经营决策模拟对抗训练课程
获得证书 :用友软件培训证书
详细描述 :关于用友财务软件的应用和实际操作


By sector: transportation, logistics
Departments: the Ministry of Finance
Position: Accounting
Work: Statistics Seamen's flow, adjust their positions after the change in the wage change. Statistics and peace among seafarers due to meet the type of money, company employees have the type of cost money to help at the end of the accounting ledger statements

Training: UFIDA Software Co., Ltd.
Training Venue: Shanghai UF Software Co., Ltd.
Training courses: ERP business decision-making to combat simulation training
To obtain a certificate: UFIDA training certificates
Detailed Description: UF on the financial software applications and hands-on

The company is actually working in their own work, the work is easy to find, but to find a suitable development of their own work too hard, so when I find a suitable my job, I will work hard to treat Everything.
I have a year to do accounting work experience, able to deal with fundamental aspects of financial matters, I would still like to find copies of the financial category, in the work of learning and use of leisure time education, self-enrichment.
Requirements for treatment, I asked for the treatment of different regions and different circumstances are different, basically, I request the treatment of the basic salary of not less than 3,000 yuan. Shanghai is an ideal work area or in Nanjing
第2个回答  2008-09-23
Industry: Transpotation, logestics
department: Fiance
Position: account

- get the stastics change of the seamen and the salary change after changing position;
- Resonsible for the payment receive, and other cost in the company;
- Help to make the accounting report in the end of every month


ERP Training Yongyou software Co., Ltd. certificate: Yongyou software certificate
Use the financial software in daily work

Expected Salary: 3000RMB

Location: Nanjing, Shanghai





第3个回答  2008-09-23

Working for the company is actually working for oneself. It is not difficult to find a job but it is really hard to find a satisfying job that fits one's career development. Thus, I will seriously treat every aspects of my job earnestly.

第4个回答  2008-09-23
By sector: transportation, logistics
Departments: the Ministry of Finance
Position: Accounting
Work: Statistics Seamen's flow, adjust their positions after the change in the wage change. Statistics and peace among seafarers due to meet the type of money, company employees have the type of cost money to help at the end of the accounting ledger statements

Training: UFIDA Software Co., Ltd.
Training Venue: Shanghai UF Software Co., Ltd.
Training courses: ERP business decision-making to combat simulation training
To obtain a certificate: UFIDA training certificates
Detailed Description: UF on the financial software applications and hands-on

The company is actually working in their own work, the work is easy to find, but to find a suitable development of their own work too hard, so when I find a suitable my job, I will work hard to treat Everything.
I have a year to do accounting work experience, able to deal with fundamental aspects of financial matters, I would still like to find copies of the financial category, in the work of learning and use of leisure time education, self-enrichment.
Requirements for treatment, I asked for the treatment of different regions and different circumstances are different, basically, I request the treatment of the basic salary of not less than 3,000 yuan. Shanghai is an ideal work area or Nanjing.

要是分多点我就不会那么辛苦了! LX的不厚道 复制我的成果!本回答被提问者采纳
第5个回答  2008-09-23
By sector: transportation, logistics
Departments: the Ministry of Finance
Position: Accounting
Work: Statistics Seamen's flow, adjust their positions after the change in the wage change. Statistics and peace among seafarers due to meet the type of money, company employees have the type of cost money to help at the end of the accounting ledger statements

Training: UFIDA Software Co., Ltd.
Training Venue: Shanghai UF Software Co., Ltd.
Training courses: ERP business decision-making to combat simulation training
To obtain a certificate: UFIDA training certificates
Detailed Description: UF on the financial software applications and hands-on

The company is actually working in their own work, the work is easy to find, but to find a suitable development of their own work too hard, so when I find a suitable my job, I will work hard to treat Everything.
I have a year to do accounting work experience, able to deal with fundamental aspects of financial matters, I would still like to find copies of the financial category, in the work of learning and use of leisure time education, self-enrichment.
Requirements for treatment, I asked for the treatment of different regions and different circumstances are different, basically, I request the treatment of the basic salary of not less than 3,000 yuan. Shanghai is an ideal work area or in Nanjing