求一篇美国历史小故事 英文版


There was a little girl. She lived with her mother in a hut near the forest.

One day the mother got some red cloth; she took her needle and she made a red coat for the little girl.

She put the coat on the little girl, and said, "I shall call you Little Red Coat." So the little girl was called "Little Red Coat" by her mother.

One day Little Red Coat said, "I want to show my red coat to Grandmother."

Grandmother lived in a hut. The way to the hut was through the forest.

The girl’s mother said, " You shall show Grandmother your red coat, and you shall take some eggs to her. You shall put on your little red coat and go through the forest to her house."

Then the girl’s mother put some eggs in a cloth, and gave them to the little girl, and said, "Take these eggs to Grandmother. You will go through the forest. Grandmother’s house is far from here. Do not wait on your way through the forest. If you wait, the night will come. At night there is a wolf in the forest; he eats little girls and boys."

Little Red Coat said, "I will not wait on my way through the forest."

Then Little Red Coat went out. She went on her way through the forest. As she went, she saw many flowers by the way. She said, "I will take some flowers to Grandmother." Then she went this way and that way getting flowers for her Grandmother. She waited getting the flowers. Night was coming and she was far from her Grandmother’s house. When she saw that night was coming, she ran.

As she ran she saw a wolf, with big red eyes, standing near a tree.

The wolf said, " Why do you run, Little Red Coat?"

"Night is coming," said Little Red Coat, "that is why I run."

The wolf said, " Where are you running, Little Red Coat?"

She said, "I am running to Grandmother."

"What are you taking to your Grandmother?" said the wolf.

’I am taking some eggs," said Little Red Coat.

"I will show you the way," said the wolf.

"No, no, no!" said Little Red Coat. "Do not show me the way; I know the way."

Then the wolf ran away through the trees.

The wolf came to Grandmother’s house, and said, "Are you in, Grandmother?"

"Who is that?" said Grandmother.

"I am Little Red Coat," said the wolf, "and I have got some eggs for you."

"Come in, Little Red Coat," said Grandmother.

Then the wolf went in, and ate up poor Grandmother. Then he took Grandmother’s clothes and put them on, and he got into Grandmother’s bed.

Little Red Coat came to the hut. She said, "Are you in, Grandmother?"

The wolf said, "Who is that?"

She said, "It is Little Red Coat. I have got some eggs and some flowers for you."

"Come in, Little. Red Coat," said the wolf.

Little Red Coat went in.

The wolf said, "Come near and show me what is in that cloth."

"Eggs, Grandmother," said Little Red Coat.

The wolf said, "What is that in your hand?"

"Flowers," said Little Red Coat.

"come near, and show me your flowers, Little Red Coat," said the wolf.

Then Little Red Coat went near to the bed and sat down.

Then she said, " What big ears you have got, Grandmother."

" have got big ears to hear you with," said the wolf.

"What big eyes you have got, Grand- mother," said Little Red Coat.

"I have got big eyes to see you with," said the wolf.

"What a big mouth you have got, Grand- mother," said Little Red Coat.

"I have got a big mouth to eat you with!" said the wolf. And he jumped out of the bed and ran to catch Little Red Coat. She ran to the door, and out into the forest. The wolf ran. Little Red Coat ran.

Then she heard a shot. There was a man waiting near a tree. He had shot the wolf. The wolf was dead. Little Red Coat saw that the man was her father. Her father heard that the wolf was in the forest, and he came to help Little Red Coat.











































第1个回答  推荐于2017-09-02
  The first of the British colonies to take hold in North America was Jamestown. On the basis of a charter which King James I granted to the Virginia (or London) Company, a group of about 100 men set out for the Chesapeake Bay in 1607. Seeking to avoid conflict with the Spanish, they chose a site about 60 kilometers up the James River from the bay.
  Made up of townsmen and adventurers more interested in finding gold than farming, the group was unequipped by temperament or ability to embark upon a completely new life in the wilderness. Among them, Captain John Smith emerged as the dominant figure. Despite quarrels, starvation and Indian attacks, his ability to enforce discipline held the little colony together through its first year.
  In 1609 Smith returned to England, and in his absence, the colony descended into anarchy. During the winter of 1609-1610, the majority of the colonists succumbed to disease. Only 60 of the original 300 settlers were still alive by May 1610. That same year, the town of Henrico (now Richmond) was established farther up the James River.
  It was not long, however, before a development occurred that revolutionized Virginia's economy. In 1612 John Rolfe began cross-breeding imported tobacco seed from the West Indies with native plants and produced a new variety that was pleasing to European taste. The first shipment of this tobacco reached London in 1614. Within a decade it had become Virginia's chief source of revenue.
  Prosperity did not come quickly, however, and the death rate from disease and Indian attacks remained extraordinarily high. Between 1607 and 1624 approximately 14,000 people migrated to the colony, yet only 1,132 were living there in 1624. On recommendation of a royal commission, the king dissolved the Virginia Company, and made it a royal colony that year.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2009-03-23
1860年共和党人林肯当选为总统,美国民主党遭到惨败,这就成为南方奴隶主脱离联邦和发动叛乱的信号。南部蓄奴州南卡罗来纳州首先脱离联邦,接着佐治亚州、亚拉巴马、佛罗里达、密西西比、路易斯安那和得克萨斯诸州相继脱离, 并于1861年2月宣布成立“南部同盟”,另立以杰斐逊·戴维斯为总统的政府。1861年4月12日叛乱政府军开始炮轰在南卡罗来纳的联邦萨姆特要塞,14日被攻陷。林肯政府于4月15日发布讨伐令,内战爆发 。不久,弗吉尼亚、北卡罗来纳、田纳西、阿肯色4州退出联邦参加南部联盟。

