

雍正通宝 普通品价值400元左右参考 / 枚 特殊版除外

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第1个回答  2022-03-30





第2个回答  2022-03-24
乾隆通宝是乾隆时期的流通货币, 乾隆皇帝在位的60年里施展其“文治武功”的治国策略,创造了封建社会里最后一个辉煌盛世,之后民间便盛传佩带“乾隆通宝”铜钱可驱灾辟邪,又因乾隆二字谐音“钱隆”而备受后世藏家所喜爱的钱币。
该钱币铸于清高宗乾隆年间(1736-1795年),背面的满文比较复杂,上面有很详细的价格和钱币拓片。乾隆通宝钱径约25毫米,重约3g。钱面文字"乾隆通宝"以楷书书写,其字从上而下而右而左直读。钱背文字沿雍正满文钱式穿孔左边有"宝"字,穿孔右边铸有各局名 。币种与不同时期形状与大小也有不同



个人中肯建议:做什么事总是抱着我们的就是我们的,不是我们的怎么抢都不会抢的态度 OK,否则急功近利,走捷径最后一事无成,也不希望自己的藏友在出手时能理性地看待自己,不要对自己有太大的期望。

Five Dynasties in the same Dynasty - Five emperors in the Qing Dynasty
Emperor shunzhi coin beginning of casting s - TongBao shunzhi - brass in 1644 AD, emperor kangxi, emperor kangxi TongBao - brass in 1662 AD, yongzheng, yongzheng TongBao brass in 1723 AD, emperor qianlong, qianlong TongBao brass in 1736 AD, jiaqing, jiaqing TongBao brass in 1796 AD, a set of five emperors currency regime witness to the qing dynasty family from generation to generation in the history the miracle.
The development of coins will show different styles at different stages. Its development and change tell us the picture of the rise and fall of different dynasties, which is the product of the historical witness and cultural witness of a country or a dynasty.
The five emperors' money is divided into big five emperors' money and small five emperors' money. Now the five emperors' money often refers to small five emperors' money and Shunzhi Tongbao. Kangxi Tongbao, Yongzheng Tongbao, Qianlong Tongbao and Jiaqing Tongbao are made of brass, which is relatively recent. They have been handed down, handed down by thousands of hands.
Sovereigns and money
Shunzhi Tongbao is a coin of the Qing Dynasty. It was cast in the Shunzhi period of Shizu (1644 ~ 1661). Shunzhi Tongbao is the first kind of money making officially cast after the Qing Dynasty entered the Customs. Most of them are made of brass, and very few are bronze. Money tends to be flat, money wide edge. Shunzhi Tongbao is mainly xiaoping money, with a few discounts of 20 and 10 big money. It can be divided into five types according to the changes of the back text and the stage of casting. In the early stage, shunzhi coins retained the technology of making money from the Ming Dynasty, so that its pattern had obvious characteristics of Ming coins, while in the later stage, it completely separated from the Ming coins system and established a unique style of making money from the Qing Dynasty. "Shunzhi five types" in the Ming and Qing dynasties coin evolution played a link between the past and the future.
Shunzhi is the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, which meets the standard of head collection and has great significance. However, the copper coins in Shunzhi are relatively less in the world, and their value is higher.
Figure in the yongzheng TongBao appearance in good condition, the font clear, fine overall ke is short of, deformation, has a great collection value, yongzheng TongBao: beginning of casting in the first year of yongzheng, is the third generation after the shunzhi and kangxi qing coin, relative quantity at least, one of the most Jane format ZhiQian, mainly a little money, only a few money was very little to the bureau of fold type 2 a lot of money. The money writing of Yongzheng Tongbao is written in song style, and the money type is very unified, which is the most unified money making in the Qing Dynasty. This feature greatly increased the circulation of Yongzheng money throughout the country.
Rating currency, the so-called rating currency is by the rating company, authenticity identification, scoring and then sealed with acrylic transparent box, so that it is no longer oxidation, can also protect the phase of the coin, coin fidelity, if it is imitation is not allowed to enter the box rating. To protect the transaction of coins, there is no doubt in the antique collection circle that the collection price is extremely high, which is the so-called cooked goods, which is also a sign of the maturity of the coin market.
Jiaqing Tongbao was cast in the Reign of Emperor Renzong jiaqing (1796-1820). The money is 2.2-2.6 cm in diameter and weighs 2-4 grams. Face text with song Style, back for manchu bureau name. But there are back text to wear left with cursive, wear right with regular script, there are "fu, Shou, Kang, ning, GUI". There are also left for the manchu "treasure" word, wear the right for the regular script "fu, Shou, Kang, ning", linked together for a auspicious language, is the money bureau for auspicious casting money, also called "auspicious money", participate in the circulation.
On the back of all coins are the Manchu Mint Bureau. The Manchu regime of the Qing Dynasty is strong and has great collection value.
Kangxi Tongbao is a coin of the Qing Dynasty, cast in the Reign of Emperor Kangxi (1662 ~1722). Kangxi Tongbao coins are 2.5-2.8 cm in diameter and 3.8-5.5 grams in weight. The inscription "Kangxi Tongbao" is read directly in real books.
Kangxi Tongbao can be divided into two categories according to the words on the back: one is the manchu money imitated "Shunzhi four types", the money back manchu "Baoquan", "Baoyuan" read on the left, is made by the household, the work two; The other is the imitation of "Shunzhi five style" Manchu Chinese money.
Kangxi Tongbao has xiaoping and ten big money. Qian Wenzhen direct reading. In addition to Baoyuan, Baoquan two bureau to manchu wenji bureau, the provinces are manchu Character bureau name, wear left cast Manchu, wear right cast Chinese. Provincial casting money are xiaoping, fold ten big money for baoyuan bureau cast, face text from guo separate round, back full wen Baoyuan column wear around. Currency material is mostly blue and white, namely copper and tin alloy, commonly known as white money; There are also copper and brass provincial bureau of casting money.
The five coins are positive regular script four characters for direct reading, and the reverse side is Manchu coin bureau, which is round outside and square inside. It is very classic. The five coins have witnessed the inheritance of feudal dynasty family forces, and are of great collection significance.
Qianlong TongBao is the qianlong period of the currency, 60 years of the reign of the qianlong emperor exert its "tai temple" governing strategy, create the brilliant outstanding achievement in the feudal society in the last millennium, after folk rumours that wear "qianlong TongBao" copper can drive to ward off bad luck, and because of the word "qianlong homophonic" Qian Long "and the later collectors favorite COINS.
The coin was cast during the Reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty (1736-1795). The manchu character on the back is more complex, with detailed price and coin rubbings. The qianlong Tongbao coins are about 25mm in diameter and weigh about 3g. The words "Qianlong Tongbao" are written in regular script, and the words are read straight from the top to the right and left. Money on the back of the text along the Yongzheng Manchu money type perforation on the left side of the "treasure" word, perforation on the right casting the bureau name. The shapes and sizes of the coins vary from time to time
The five coin wrapped slurry is natural, meimei is rating COINS, downy light, the so-called wrapped slurry is a natural formation of the oxide layer, also some people to hand wrapped slurry, the two different, but at the same time have to protect the function of money, like a plated coin on a layer of protective film, make money no longer oxidation, facilitate collection handed down from ancient times, if feel money is dirty, can wash, reoccupy dry cotton cloth, Do not destroy the patina, which is equivalent to destroying the protective layer. More importantly, the patina is the simplest and effective way to identify new and old coins. Take a closer look at the five coins with perfect appearance, no damage, damage, deformation and so on, which are rare collectible copper coins. It is suggested to collect and pass down.
第3个回答  2021-09-14
第4个回答  2021-09-13