
位于云谷寺到皮篷路口。一怪石屹立峰巅,其状似身着道袍的仙人,他一手举起,似为游客指引进入皮篷之路,故名“仙人指路”,又名“仙人指路峰”。它之所以颇名盛名,不仅仅在于外形酷似,而且因为有一段对世人颇有启发作用的故事。相传很前,有一位两岁能文 、四岁会武的神童,只因后来科场失意,擂台负伤,改行经商后又把老本蚀光,在走投无路的时就奔赴黄山来寻师访仙。哪知跑遍了千峰万壑,连一个药农、樵夫的踪影也没见到。干粮吃光了就吞野果,衣服穿烂了就披树皮、树叶。渐渐地变得骨瘦如柴,一天终于昏倒路旁,奄奄一息。不知过了多久,来了一位身背篾篓,脚着山袜芒鞋的老人,把神童救醒过来,问明情况后,老人哈哈一笑说:“你怎么聪明反被 聪明误呢?哪里有什么神仙,你快回家去找人力气活干干,免得把一条命丢在这荒山野岭白白喂了豺狼虎豹。”说完还送些野果给神童路上吃。神童心想老人的话是对的,就千恩万谢地辞别了老人。没走多远,猛一下醒悟过来,“我跑遍全山连个人影也没见过,那老汉分明就是仙人。”他回头就追,追上老人后就双膝跪地,苦苦哀求老人给指引一条成仙得道之路。老人说::“我哪里是什么神仙。实有相瞒,我前半生被名利二字害得家破人亡,这才看破红尘,隐匿在此。”神童半信半 疑,但见老汉风度不凡,气宇若仙,决心拜老人为师,苦苦哀求不止。谁知等他抬头再看时,这老人却变成了一块高大魁伟的“仙人指路”石。神童又在石头前百拜千叩,忽然石头人肚里发出声音:“踏遍黄山没见仙,只怪名利藏心间,劝君改走勤奋路,包你余生赛神仙。”神童最终还是听信了仙人的话,后半生不但成家立业,而且日子过得很火红。难怪清人曹来复以诗记之:“世事多乖错,投足皆模糊。请君(仙人指路石)出山去,到处指迷途。”在入胜亭北行一公里的石板桥仰视,仙人指路的形状又变成了喜鹊。旁有一棵青松,状古梅,松石相配成景,人称 “喜鹊登梅”。今人有诗 曰:“摩崖千尺乱云堆,古杆苍松破石栽,喜鹊昂头迎过客,声声唱得老梅开。”

Canopies located at the junction云谷寺to the skin.峰巅stands a rock, its like a fairy wearing robe, he raised his hand, appears to guide visitors into the skin canopy road, named "celestial beacon", also known as "immortal guiding peak." It is quite a famous name, not only in appearance similar to, but because some of the world the story is quite inspiring. Legend has it the former, a two-year-old can text, four-year-old prodigy will force because Hall was frustrated, injured the ring, and then diverted to the capital to do business loses all the money in against the wall when the division went to visit Xian Huangshan来寻. Traveled all over the Shiqianfeng万壑did even one药农, the lumberjack did not see the sign. Swallowing dry food eat wild fruit on, clothes to wear on the Phi rotten bark, leaves. Gradually become emaciated, has collapsed the roadside one day, on the verge of death. I do not know how long after, he led to a bamboo baskets, and the mountain foot socks shoes Mans elderly, the child prodigy from救醒, ask after, the elderly laughed said: "The anti-how can you be smart smart error? Where What is immortal, do you find people to go home soon live干干effort to avoid the fate of a lost nothing in this barren hills to feed the jackals野岭. "Having a child prodigy还送some wild fruit to eat on the road. Whiz kid, then people thought was right,千恩万谢to bid farewell to the old man. Not progressed very far, Meng you wake up, "I traveled all over the whole mountain had not even seen personal video, it is the immortal old man clearly." Looking back on his recovery, after the knees down to catch up with old people, old people begging to guide the path of a celestial enlightenment. The elderly, said:: "Where is what I am immortal.相瞒really, I have been pre-fame life害得word families that walk out from the illusions, hidden in this." Skeptical about a child prodigy, but see great old man demeanor, bearing, if Sally is determined al learning from the elderly, more than begging. Who knows, such as when he raised his head and look at this piece of the elderly has become a big burly "immortal guiding" stone. Former child prodigy in stone call 100 1000 thanks, all of a sudden sound goes stones were: "not seen all over Huangshan cents fame can only blame the Tibetan heart, advised to take the hard way-Jun, including you, the rest of his life immortal game." Prodigy finally listen the immortal words, after half a lifetime not only married but had a red day. It is no wonder that Cao Qing Dynasty to the complex mind of poetry: "more good things wrong, cast all are fuzzy. Please (immortal guiding stone) out of the mountains, and everywhere refers to the Lost." Wins into the booths in the northbound one kilometer Shibanqiao look up, fairy guiding the shape and turned into a magpie. Next to a green pines,古梅-shaped, turquoise match into King, known as "Magpie登梅." Modern people have the poem read: "Cliff千尺chaotic heap clouds, ancient stone-breaking plant under pines, visitors welcome昂头cyana, sound sing Laomei open."
检测语言—阿尔巴尼亚文阿拉伯文爱沙尼亚语保加利亚文波兰语朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾文芬兰语盖尔文(爱尔兰)荷兰语加泰罗尼亚文(西班牙)捷克语克罗地亚文拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他文挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚文斯拉维尼亚文斯洛伐克文泰文土耳其文乌克兰文西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语印度文印尼文英语越南文中文 > 阿尔巴尼亚文阿拉伯文爱沙尼亚语保加利亚文波兰语朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾文芬兰语盖尔文(爱尔兰)荷兰语加泰罗尼亚文(西班牙)捷克语克罗地亚文拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他文挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚文斯拉维尼亚文斯洛伐克文泰文土耳其文乌克兰文西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语印度文印尼文英语越南文中文(繁体)中文(简体) 互换
第1个回答  2009-06-04
Is located cloud Gu Sidao the skin awning street intersection.A strange stone stands erect the peak, it resembles the immortal who wears the Daoist robe, his recommends, the seemed to be tourist directs enters road of the skin awning, therefore “the immortal refers to the road”, other name “the immortal refers to the road peak”.It the reason that the quite famous great reputation, lies in the contour to resemble not merely, moreover because has a section quite to have the inspiration function story to the common people.Hands down very front, because some two years old could the article, four year old of meeting military child prodigies, afterwards the examination site be only frustrated, the arena was wounded, after changes professions to do business initial capital all used up, in had no way out when rushed toward Huangshan Mountain to seek Shi Fangxian.Who would have thought ran thousand peak ten thousand gullies, including a medicine agriculture, woodcutter's trace had not seen.The dry rations ate to eat all one's food have swallowed the wild fruit, clothes put on rottenly have thrown over the bark, the leaf.Becomes gradually thin, one day finally faints the roadside, suffocates.Had not known how long, has come a body back woven bamboo basket, the foot mountain sock straw sandals old person, rescues the child prodigy wakes, after finds out the situation, as soon as the old person ha ha smiles said: “You how intelligent instead intelligent by mistake? Where has any deity, you go home quickly look for the human heavy work to work unceasingly, so as to avoid lost a life in this wild mountains and plains range has fed in vain the lang wolf evildoers leopard.” Said also delivers a wild fruit on the road to eat for the child prodigy.The child prodigy thought old person's speech is right, very gratefully said good-bye the old person.Has not walked far, fierce awakens, “I run an entire mountain person's shadow not to see continually, that old man clearly is the immortal.” He turns head pursues, after overtakes the old person to kneel on the double knee, implores urgently the old person to direct one to become an immortal obtains enlightenment the road.The old person said that: “My where is any deity.Really has conceals the truth, I first half of life am harmed by the fame and fortune two characters am with one's family broken up and decimated, is disillusioned with the mortal world now at last, goes into hiding in this.” The child prodigy is doubtful, but sees old man the demeanor to be uncommon, if the manner the immortal, were determined does obeisance the old person is the teacher, implores urgently continues.Who knows waits for him to gain ground looks again time, this old person turned one big big and tall “the immortal to refer to the road” actually the stone.The child prodigy the respectfully sign thousand knocks on in front of the stone, in the stone person stomach makes the sound suddenly: “Treads Huangshan Mountain not to see the immortal, only blames the fame and fortune to conceal one's thoughts, urges Mr. to change the diligent road, wraps your remaining years of life match deity.Not only” the child prodigy finally believed immortal's speech, the latter half of one's life got married and began a career, moreover the day passed very much fiery red.No wonder clear person Cao makes a round trip by the poem records it: “The humans affair multi-errors, step in all blur.Asks Mr. (immortal to refer to road stone) to become an official, everywhere refers to the wrong path.” Is becoming wholeheartedly interested the pavilion north bound kilometer stone plank bridge to look up, the immortal referred to the road the shape to turn the magpie.Side has a pine, the shape ancient plum, the loose rock matches the scenery, the person “the magpie ascends the plum”.The people of our time have the poem to say that,“The inscription carved on a cliff face thousand foot chaotic cloud piles, the ancient pole dark green pine broken stone plants, the magpie holds up the head to welcome the traveler, the sound sound sings Lao Mei to open.”本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2009-06-03
Canopies located at the junction云谷寺to the skin.峰巅stands a rock, its like a fairy wearing robe, he raised his hand, appears to guide visitors into the skin canopy road, named "celestial beacon", also known as "immortal guiding peak." It is quite a famous name, not only in appearance similar to, but because some of the world the story is quite inspiring. Legend has it the former, a two-year-old can text, four-year-old prodigy will force because Hall was frustrated, injured the ring, and then diverted to the capital to do business loses all the money in against the wall when the division went to visit Xian Huangshan来寻. Traveled all over the Shiqianfeng万壑did even one药农, the lumberjack did not see the sign. Swallowing dry food eat wild fruit on, clothes to wear on the Phi rotten bark, leaves. Gradually become emaciated, has collapsed the roadside one day, on the verge of death. I do not know how long after, he led to a bamboo baskets, and the mountain foot socks shoes Mans elderly, the child prodigy from救醒, ask after, the elderly laughed said: "The anti-how can you be smart smart error? Where What is immortal, do you find people to go home soon live干干effort to avoid the fate of a lost nothing in this barren hills to feed the jackals野岭. "Having a child prodigy还送some wild fruit to eat on the road. Whiz kid, then people thought was right,千恩万谢to bid farewell to the old man. Not progressed very far, Meng you wake up, "I traveled all over the whole mountain had not even seen personal video, it is the immortal old man clearly." Looking back on his recovery, after the knees down to catch up with old people, old people begging to guide the path of a celestial enlightenment. The elderly, said:: "Where is what I am immortal.相瞒really, I have been pre-fame life害得word families that walk out from the illusions, hidden in this." Skeptical about a child prodigy, but see great old man demeanor, bearing, if Sally is determined al learning from the elderly, more than begging. Who knows, such as when he raised his head and look at this piece of the elderly has become a big burly "immortal guiding" stone. Former child prodigy in stone call 100 1000 thanks, all of a sudden sound goes stones were: "not seen all over Huangshan cents fame can only blame the Tibetan heart, advised to take the hard way-Jun, including you, the rest of his life immortal game." Prodigy finally listen the immortal words, after half a lifetime not only married but had a red day. It is no wonder that Cao Qing Dynasty to the complex mind of poetry: "more good things wrong, cast all are fuzzy. Please (immortal guiding stone) out of the mountains, and everywhere refers to the Lost." Wins into the booths in the northbound one kilometer Shibanqiao look up, fairy guiding the shape and turned into a magpie. Next to a green pines,古梅-shaped, turquoise match into King, known as "Magpie登梅." Modern people have the poem read: "Cliff千尺chaotic heap clouds, ancient stone-breaking plant under pines, visitors welcome昂头cyana, sound sing Laomei open."
检测语言—阿尔巴尼亚文阿拉伯文爱沙尼亚语保加利亚文波兰语朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾文芬兰语盖尔文(爱尔兰)荷兰语加泰罗尼亚文(西班牙)捷克语克罗地亚文拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他文挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚文斯拉维尼亚文斯洛伐克文泰文土耳其文乌克兰文西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语印度文印尼文英语越南文中文 > 阿尔巴尼亚文阿拉伯文爱沙尼亚语保加利亚文波兰语朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾文芬兰语盖尔文(爱尔兰)荷兰语加泰罗尼亚文(西班牙)捷克语克罗地亚文拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他文挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚文斯拉维尼亚文斯洛伐克文泰文土耳其文乌克兰文西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语印度文印尼文英语越南文中文(繁体)中文(简体) 互换
第3个回答  2009-05-28
Canopies located at the junction云谷寺to the skin.峰巅stands a rock, its like a fairy wearing robe, he raised his hand, appears to guide visitors into the skin canopy road, named "celestial beacon", also known as "immortal guiding peak." It is quite a famous name, not only in appearance similar to, but because some of the world the story is quite inspiring. Legend has it the former, a two-year-old can text, four-year-old prodigy will force because Hall was frustrated, injured the ring, and then diverted to the capital to do business loses all the money in against the wall when the division went to visit Xian Huangshan来寻. Traveled all over the Shiqianfeng万壑did even one药农, the lumberjack did not see the sign. Swallowing dry food eat wild fruit on, clothes to wear on the Phi rotten bark, leaves. Gradually become emaciated, has collapsed the roadside one day, on the verge of death. I do not know how long after, he led to a bamboo baskets, and the mountain foot socks shoes Mans elderly, the child prodigy from救醒, ask after, the elderly laughed said: "The anti-how can you be smart smart error? Where What is immortal, do you find people to go home soon live干干effort to avoid the fate of a lost nothing in this barren hills to feed the jackals野岭. "Having a child prodigy还送some wild fruit to eat on the road. Whiz kid, then people thought was right,千恩万谢to bid farewell to the old man. Not progressed very far, Meng you wake up, "I traveled all over the whole mountain had not even seen personal video, it is the immortal old man clearly." Looking back on his recovery, after the knees down to catch up with old people, old people begging to guide the path of a celestial enlightenment. The elderly, said:: "Where is what I am immortal.相瞒really, I have been pre-fame life害得word families that walk out from the illusions, hidden in this." Skeptical about a child prodigy, but see great old man demeanor, bearing, if Sally is determined al learning from the elderly, more than begging. Who knows, such as when he raised his head and look at this piece of the elderly has become a big burly "immortal guiding" stone. Former child prodigy in stone call 100 1000 thanks, all of a sudden sound goes stones were: "not seen all over Huangshan cents fame can only blame the Tibetan heart, advised to take the hard way-Jun, including you, the rest of his life immortal game." Prodigy finally listen the immortal words, after half a lifetime not only married but had a red day. It is no wonder that Cao Qing Dynasty to the complex mind of poetry: "more good things wrong, cast all are fuzzy. Please (immortal guiding stone) out of the mountains, and everywhere refers to the Lost." Wins into the booths in the northbound one kilometer Shibanqiao look up, fairy guiding the shape and turned into a magpie. Next to a green pines,古梅-shaped, turquoise match into King, known as "Magpie登梅." Modern people have the poem read: "Cliff千尺chaotic heap clouds, ancient stone-breaking plant under pines, visitors welcome cyana昂头, sound sing Laomei open."
第4个回答  2009-05-31
le begging to guide the path of a celestial enlightenment. The elderly, said:: "Where is what I am immortal.相瞒really, I have been pre-fame life害得word families that walk out from the illusions, hidden in this." Skeptical about a child prodigy, but see great old man demeanor, bearing, if Sally is determined al learning from the elderly, more than begging. Who knows, such as when he raised his head and look at this piece of the elderly has become a big burly "immortal guiding" stone. Former child prodigy in stone call 100 1000 thanks, al