

Man's English: "man," pronounced [mæn] in British English and [mæn] in American English, is a noun referring to a male adult, or a person, often used colloquially to describe a manly or strong individual. It can also be used as a verb to mean "to provide with men" or "to staff." When used as a countable noun, "man" typically refers to a human male, and it can carry connotations of courage or manliness. When used in the phrase "a man of __," it often emphasizes these qualities. As an uncountable noun, "man" is used to refer to the human race, and it is often used with the word "mankind," which can be interchanged with "man" and typically does not require a冠词 before it. When "man" is used in its plural form, it can mean "sailors," "soldiers" ("men at arms"), "employees," or "subordinates."
Example sentence: She married a man who put her on a pedestal. (她嫁给了一个非常崇拜她的男人。)
Woman's English: "woman," pronounced ['wʊmən] in British English and ['wʊmən] in American English, is a noun referring to an adult female or a woman. It is an adjective when describing something related to women. The plural form of "woman" is "women." When used as a countable noun, "woman" refers to an adult female, regardless of marital status. It can also be used to describe the qualities or characteristics typically associated with women. As an uncountable noun, "woman" is used to refer to the female gender as a whole.
Example sentence: The chief conductor turned out to be a young woman. (列车长原来是一位年轻的女性。)