正确对待网络 作文






“ 水,能载舟,亦能覆舟。”而如今,青少年的网络安全问题,已成为影响国家兴盛、社会安定、学校教育、家庭和谐的隐患,真希望能将“电子海洛因”“e网打尽”,更希望我们所有的青少年朋友,能对网络有清醒的认识,在头脑中建起一道安全的“防火墙”!
第1个回答  2009-06-03
First, the direct impact of physical health: computer monitors with radiation and electromagnetic waves, long-term use will hurt people's eyes, evoked a number of eye diseases, such as glaucoma, etc.; keystrokes on a long-term adverse fingers and upper limbs; to operate a computer, the body shape and Change the body has a rare, high-speed, single, repetitive operation, lasting forced posture, easily lead to musculoskeletal system disorders. Computer when the main site of involvement has the waist, neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, etc.. Second, microwave computer are the health risks: the computer's low-energy X-rays and low-frequency electromagnetic radiation, easy to arouse the central nervous system disorders. A British study has confirmed the Office of the electromagnetic wave, the computer screen to issue low-frequency radiation and magnetic field, will lead to 719 kinds of symptoms, including itchy eyes, neck pain, short-term memory loss, and depression, such as hot-tempered. Also cause the female reproductive function and embryo developmental abnormalities, there dysmenorrhea, menstrual symptoms such as extension, a small number of women in preterm labor or miscarriage happened also, pregnant women 20 hours per week over the use of computer, the abortion rate increased above 80%, while lead to fetal malformation. Three is to increase the mental and psychological pressure: to operate a computer and the process of high concentration of attention, eyes, fingers Express frequent exercise, so that physical, psychological excessive burden, resulting in many sleep dreams, neurasthenia,酸胀head, decreased immunity, may even induce some mental diseases. Such a person easy to lose confidence, the heart often nervous, irritability, anxiety, and ultimately lead Induced by mental and physical exhaustion. Four are the network syndrome: long uncontrolled spend considerable time and effort on the Internet continued to chat, browsing, will lead to all kinds of abnormal behavior, psychological barriers, personality disorder, the functional part of sympathetic nervous disorders, severe cases develop into a network synthesis Zheng, a typical manifestation of the disease as follows: depression, interest loss, sleep disorders, circadian disorders, loss of appetite and weight loss, lack of energy, psychomotor retardation and excitement, lower self-evaluation, thinking slow, reluctant to take part in social activities, little concern for others, alcohol and drug abuse. Five are distributed by computer against respiratory gases: computer, laser printers and other equipment will be the release of ozone are harmful to human health, not only toxic, but some people can cause breathing difficulties, for those patients with asthma and allergies, the situation is even more for serious. In addition, a longer period of time to stay in the ozone gas concentration higher places, but also lead to lung disease happened. Computer is an epoch-making invention, which give rise to work, study, living convenience, but then it also brings anxiety, people engage in more or less worried about the long-term computer work on health impact Will the computer such as radiation injury to the human body. More young women and pregnant women are afraid this will affect fertility or fetal adverse. In fact, the computer at work does the formation of a weak electromagnetic field, but whether the long-term exposure to carcinogenic or harmful to the human body is also still inconclusive. Have some scholars think that such electromagnetic fields may be carcinogenic. Computer caused by scattering of electromagnetic fields are computer operators in addition to their own computer but also by the impact of other computers around. According to the United States, a study shows that pregnant women per week in front of the computer at work more than 20 hours, her first three months the rate of abortion flowers are 2 times the other person. Therefore, pregnant women during pregnancy should avoid going near the computer. In addition, the color of the electromagnetic fields are black and white computer computer 3-4 times. Then, computer to human may cause harm in the end that be? Domestic and foreign news media have repeatedly reported by staff members as computer screen happened abortion, teratogenic, facial rash, cataract and photosensitive epilepsy等症, but after statistical analysis of prevalence can not confirm this conclusion, the World Health Organization expert group were also of this views. At the same time, the monitoring results also showed that the television screen or computer generated X-rays, ultraviolet, infrared, ultra-low frequency, electrostatic field and sound radiation are within the scope of permit. However, visual fatigue caused by computer screen but it is worth noting one thing, constantly changing and the computer screen, roll up and down the various characters will stimulate the eyes, the eyes must have damage. In addition, because of the computer placing the indoor environment can also lead to an imbalance Catanionic user autonomic nervous system disorders, depression and so on. Experts point out that a reasonable diet to help prevent computer operators suffer from "computer disease." Sooner or later should be the main are well fed, to ensure adequate nutrition and calories to maintain a strong energy; many wish to eat Chinese food with high protein food; light supper is more, many eat food containing high cellulose, but also many have consciously Food selection of eye protection to prevent myopia or other eye diseases.

