求大神翻译!!! 很多人都向往城市,可我却向往的是农村,因为我喜欢宁静的地方和那质朴的民俗气息,农

求大神翻译!!! 很多人都向往城市,可我却向往的是农村,因为我喜欢宁静的地方和那质朴的民俗气息,农村没有城市的喧嚣,没有城市的勾心斗角,有的是令人沉醉的夜晚和满天繁星,有的是淳朴的民风民俗.不过城市也有它的好,有繁华的街道和川流不息的车辆,还有快节奏的生活,但是我还是最喜欢农村里的那种恬静的生活.

A lot of people are yearning for the city, but I wanted the countryside, because I like quiet place, and the plain folk flavor, the countryside is not the noise of the city, there is no city of intrigue, have a plenty of intoxicating night and the stars, there are plenty of simple folk customs. But the city also has its good, there are bustling streets and the incessant vehicles, and the fast pace of life, but I still like the kind of quiet life in the countryside.
第1个回答  2014-11-04
A lot of people are yearning for the city, but I wanted the countryside, because I like quiet place, and the plain folk flavor, the countryside is not the noise of the city, there is no city of intrigue, have a plenty of intoxicating night and the stars, there are plenty of simple folk customs. But the city also has its good, there are bustling streets and the incessant vehicles, and the fast pace of life, but I still like the kind of quiet life in the countryside.
第2个回答  2014-11-04


A lot of people are yearning for the city, but I wanted the countryside, because I like quiet place, and the plain folk flavor, the countryside is not the noise of the city, there is no city of intrigue, have a plenty of intoxicating night and the stars, there are plenty of simple folk customs. But the city also has its good, there are bustling streets and the incessant vehicles, and the fast pace of life, but I still like the kind of quiet life in the countryside.
