



第1个回答  2009-05-24
第2个回答  2009-05-24
Who also唐叔Yu's Temple, in the southwest of Taiyuan Pali County. Yue-Fen Wang of its East [1], the king said Xing'an [2], history of the title also. Temple to the south, the West Chongshan cover losses [3]; Yamashita have Notre Dame Temple [4], east. Church out from under the water [5], the former temple. Southwest also said difficult Youquan old [6], merging separate injection in the channel under the drain [7], 1000 ares irrigate fields, "Book of Mountains and Seas," the cloud "hanging urn Mountain, Jin Yan of water" is also [8] . Water downstream, in Fen [9], and British Columbia in the Temple数丈[10], "poem" made "Peter Fen沮洳" is also [11]. I do not know the beginning of Our Lady of the temple, native drought-year-old case, there should be辄prayer, the temple special Wei Yi [12], and if the UN anti-唐叔Hall From its side. Sui will WANG, GAO Jun-Ya Jinci rain because of the prayer in order to emperor is also [13]. Temple South Temple tired Taiwan [14], Zi Fen says God is also [15]. Temple of the east of Jinci Ming Tang [16]. East and the pot, there are peaceful and rejuvenating Song Monument [17]. Central Hall a few old trees [18], are the Millennium complex, Li Dao-yuan said that "water cooler side together in the end beam to fly water, about杂树Yam settlement, see Xi Greek King" is also [19]. Since this must智伯irrigation water to Yang [20], and Song Taizu, King single with its statutory Bukhan [21], cap-ping汾水Potential and Taiyuan, and Shinzo汾水higher above the water, inadequate water must Fen to拔城, but together dihydrate, and then the city can also irrigation.
丙午-year-old [22], in February, to travel Tianlong Mountain [23], by the Temple Road, the interest rate behavior. Happy stone on the grass香泉Lie [24], shrub-sen Shen, minnow fish swim [25], about warblers. Landscape of home wins, or to see if the. Covered as a passenger to久矣. Taiyuan calendar from the clouds in the distance 700 [26], Huangsha Congfeng, have no eyes squint valley Sanggan, Hutuo [27], such as chaos沸汤water. No bridge, to cross舟楫. Deep mud Ma [28], do not care about.雁门Application Note [29], slope declivity narrow Ecuador [30]. To the winner of the so-called landscape, fitness sad enough to hyperchromic Yu anger, grief and indignation of the thinking has been senseless behavior.既至Temple, the music is the only pleasure of its music also.
唐叔so far from three thousand years, and Taiwan were tired, the days of American's [31], beyond the calendar-year-old. Shu-ching covered mountains of habitat, visitors have been bandits and music [32], though the gods Cave House, according to Yan Feng has not [33], of course, not the rationale for those who have欤! It in mind that not only Chi to visit in years to come, and after that who will also swim.