

第1个回答  2013-09-20
1. Her charm of manner made her very popular. 她风度优雅,备受欢迎。2. He usually drives at a moderate speed. 他通常中速驾驶。3. The wind strengthened during the night. 风在夜间刮得更猛了。4. This work is not urgent; we can do it tomorrow. 这件工作不急,我们可以明天再做。5.She feels wearisome by the constant noise. 她很厌烦那些没完没了的嘈杂声。: 6.All living things depend on the sun for their growth. 万物生长靠太阳。7.After he retires he's going to locate in China. 他打算退休后到中国定居。8.He is bilingual in French and Spanish. 他操法语和西班牙语两种语言.9.New scientific discoveries are being made everyday. 每天都有新的科学发现。10.The feedback from the computer enables us to update the program. 计算机的反馈能使我们更新程序.