
1.popular2.moderate3.strengthen4.urgent5.constant6.depend on 7.locate8.bilingual9.discovery10.update 这是英语作业里的,我大部份都造了,就剩这10个,希望大家能帮帮忙最好能把中文也写出来,好让我理解理解

Popular education is one of our major objectives.
民众教育是我们的主要目标之一。 2.moderate中等的,适度的
The hotel is moderate in its charges.
这家饭店收费适中。 3.strengthen加强;增强;巩固
It is a systematic attempt to strengthen our competitive ability.
那是为增强我们的竞争能力而作的有计划的努力。 4.urgent紧急的,急迫的
It's urgent; come quick!
The birth rate in this city is almost constant.
这城市的出生率几乎是不变的。 6.depend on 依靠;信赖
You can depend on him.
你可以信赖他。 7.locate把...设置在[O]
The company located its branch office in the suburbs.
该公司把它的分公司设在郊区。 8.bilingualMy dream is to become an excellent bilingual interpreter.
我梦想成为一名优秀的双语口译家。9.discoveryThe discoveries of electricity, magnetism and x-rays all changed people's abilities to control their world.
10.update It is this way with the Internet, so you need to frequently update the way that you track down information.

11.kill time消磨时间
She often kills time by watching TV.
第1个回答  2013-09-19
1. Her charm of manner made her very popular. 她风度优雅,备受欢迎。2. He usually drives at a moderate speed. 他通常中速驾驶。3. The wind strengthened during the night. 风在夜间刮得更猛了。4. This work is not urgent; we can do it tomorrow. 这件工作不急,我们可以明天再做。5.She feels wearisome by the constant noise. 她很厌烦那些没完没了的嘈杂声。: 6.All living things depend on the sun for their growth. 万物生长靠太阳。7.After he retires he's going to locate in China. 他打算退休后到中国定居。8.He is bilingual in French and Spanish. 他操法语和西班牙语两种语言.9.New scientific discoveries are being made everyday. 每天都有新的科学发现。10.The feedback from the computer enables us to update the program. 计算机的反馈能使我们更新程序.
第2个回答  2013-09-19
1.popularShe is a popular girl. 她是一个招人喜欢的姑娘。收起更多词典 2.moderateHe holds moderate opinions. 他的意见稳健不偏激。 3.strengthenWe should strengthen administrative management. 我们应加强行政管理. 4.urgentSomething urgent have come up. 发生了紧急的事情。 5.constantMatter is in constant motion and constant change. 物质总是在不断运动,不断发展。 6.depend on Man must depend on himself. 人是要靠自己的。 7.locateTibet is located in southwest China. 西藏在中国的西南部。 8.bilingualI am bilingual in English and Japanese. 我能说英语和日语两种语言。 9.discoveryIt's a major scientific discovery. 这是科学上的一个重要发现。 10.updateWill the website be updated? 网络站点将被更新吗?11.kill timeI often do some reading to kill time. 我经常读书来消磨时光。