
(1)She is not hungry,but she'd like a s____.
(2)I think she should go to school.(改为一般疑问句)
___ ___ think ___ ___ go to school?
(3)Nothing is important in today's newspaper.(变为肯定句)
___ ___ ___ important in today's newspaper.

(1)She is not hungry,but she'd like a sandwich .
可译为 她虽然不饿,但是仍然想吃个三明治。提醒一点sandwich 用单数 但是如果没有a表示一类事物的时候要加es。(其实我想你应该知道 呵呵)

(2)I think she should go to school.(改为一般疑问句)
Do you think she should go to school?

因为think后面的是从句 所以变一般疑问句只要照抄上就可以了 对于think这个动词变一般疑问句当然要用助动词do帮忙 之后第一人称I变第二人称you就可以了

(3)Nothing is important in today's newspaper.(变为肯定句)

Every(Each)things are important in today's newspaper.

第1个回答  2009-04-03
(2)Do you if she
(3)There isn‘t anything
第2个回答  2009-04-03
Do you she should
There is nothing 要改成肯定句,所以be动词要用肯定形式。
第3个回答  2009-04-03
She is not hungry,but she'd like a strawberry.
I think she should go to school.(改为一般疑问句)
Do you think she should go to school?
Nothing is important in today's newspaper.(变为肯定句)
Every things are important in today's newspaper