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Today, multinational corporations occupy a pivotal position in the world economy, which not only has a very important function and influence for the development of the world ecnomy, but also plays a important role for their home country and host country.

Firstly, this paper describes the concept, character and function of multinational corporations as a theoretical basis, and then analyses the system of macroeconomic and microscopic international control of multinational corporations,

For the macroeconomic international control, it declare that their home country and host country shoukd take effective measures on the international control of multinational corporations.

For the microscopic international control, it points out how to prevent multinational corporations’ transfer pricing and tax avoidance behaviors among its affiliated enterprise.
its tax avoidance.

Finally, according to the function, influence and control of its malpractice of multinational corporations’ investment, it Put forward that our country has taken a series of response measures for the the trend of globalization.

For example, amend the relevant laws, implement relevant policies and resolve the investment problems of multinational companies in China.

第1个回答  2009-05-19
Multinational corporations in the world economy today occupies a pivotal position, which not only the development of the world economy has a very important role and influence of their home country and host country are equally important. This paper first described the concept of transnational corporations, characteristics, and its role as a theoretical basis, and starting from the basis of an analysis of the international control of transnational corporations were both macro-and micro-, from a macro perspective is the host country, their home countries of transnational to control the measures taken, pointed out at the micro aspects of how to prevent multinational corporations among its affiliates and its transfer pricing tax avoidance behavior. Finally, according to multinational corporations in the role of international investment, influence and control of its wrongful act to the trend of globalization in our country that need to be taken by a series of response measures, such as amendments to related laws, the implementation of the policy to address the transnational corporations in China investment problems.
第2个回答  2009-05-19
Multinational companies play a decisive role in the activities of today's world economy, their activities show great influence and play an important role in the global economic development as well as their home country and host country. This paper elaborated the concept, characteristics, and functions of the multinational company as the theory foundation, and based on this foundation further analysed the multinational companies' international regulation from macro and micro aspects. The macro aspect is mainly about the home country and host country take measures to regulate the multinational company, and in the micro aspect, point out how to prevent multinational companies’ behaviour of transferring fixed prices between its revelant enterprises and its tax avoidance action. Finally, with regard to how to regulate the role, influence and illegal behaviour of a multinational company during its overseas investment, proposed a series of measures for our country to adapt to the trend of globalization, such as revising relevant law, implementing relevant policies in order to solve the problems multinational companies confronted during its investment in China.
第3个回答  2009-05-19
Today, Multinational companies play a decisive role in the world's economy. Their activities give a very importent effect and influence on the world's ecnomic development, and on their motherland and host conutries. This paper expounds the concept, characteristices and the functions of the multinational companies. Taking this as the theory basis, it analysizes the macro and micro aspects the international regulations have for multinational companies. In Macro aspect, it shows the main restrictions from its motherland and host countries. In micro aspect, it points out how to prevent multinational companies in the association between enterprises of transfering pricing and tax behavior. Finally, according to the multinational companies in the international investment and the role of the influence and control of wrongdoing , it proposed a series of measures basing on the trend of globalization, and the measures include revising relevant law and implementing relevant policies in orderto solve the problems multinational companies' investments in China.