
1.我要等到我妈妈回来。知道我妈妈回来我才会离开(until). 2.为何不教我们唱京剧呢? 3.这些明信片属于丹尼尔,不属于我,它们不是我的。4.我希望我所有的同学能用英语和来自英国的交换留学生们交谈。

I will wait until my Mum come back.
I won't leave until my Mum come back.

Why not teach us Peking opera?

These postcards belong to Daniel not me. They are not mine.

I hope all my schoolmates can talk in English with exchange-students that come from England .
第1个回答  2009-04-30
I won't leave until my mother comes back.
Why not teach me Beijing Opera
These post cards belongs to Dannil, not to me.
I hope all the students can talk to English students in English
第2个回答  2009-04-30
1. I will wait for my mother. I wil not leave until my mother comes back.
2.Why not teach us Peking Opera?
3.These postcards belong to Daniel not me, they are not mine.
4.I hope all my classmates can talk with the exchange students from English countries in English.
第3个回答  2009-05-01
1. I wait until my mother came back. I know my mother came back did I will leave 2. why don't teach us to sing Beijing Opera? 3 .these postcards belongs to Daniel, do not belong to me, they're not mine. 4. I hope all my classmates from British English and the exchange students.
第4个回答  2009-05-01

楼主不好好做作业 方法蛮多的

叫家长 呵呵
第5个回答  2009-05-02
1.I will wait my mother comes back.I won't leave until my mother comes back
2.Why not teach us to sing Beijing opera ?
3.These postcards belong to Daniel,they aren't mine.
4.I hope all my classmates can speak English chatting with exchange students.