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Test 3
一、l~5.DBCDB 6~10.CBBCC
二、ll~15 CBDBA l6~20.CCABC 21~25 BABAB
三、26~30 DACCB 31~35.DCCAB 36~40.BCDDC
四、41.Five 42.Give myself praisefor the good things I've done.
43.强健的体魄有助于你充满自信。 44.在某些方面.爱好使你变得出众。
45.How to be more confident? Suggestions to be more confldent/suggestion for confidence
五、A.46.plenty 47.proved 48.Accepted49. revising 50.Instead
B.51.noisy 52 pleasure53 relaxed 54 ITICT__ valuable 55.second
C.56.are planting 57.won’t know 58. are taught 59.offered 60 has been
六、61.Much 62 few 63 following 64.Also 65.smoke 66. parts 67.Pieces
68. bright 69. far 70.different
七、71.to share these problems 72. hard working the students 73. suffering from toothache 74.ahead can help us organize time 75 find out some good ways
八、0ne possible version:
Dear Tom,
I'm glad to hear from you.In myopinion.though the exam is very important,you shouldn’t get stressed.Take time to relax and plan your time carefully.For example.you can play basketball orfootball with your classmates,and you can also listento music between classes.
You shouidn’t stayup too late and taking enough sleep is very important for you before the bigexame. You will feel energetic in class next day.Keephealthy and don’t think too much about the exam.Be confident! You will do well in the exame.
I hope to hear good news from you!
Mr Green