

1. 我妹妹刚刚一岁,皮肤白白的,小嘴像樱桃,眼睛水灵灵的,笑起来像一个洋娃娃,我可喜欢她了。
My sister is just one year old. She has fair skin, cherry-like lips, and bright eyes. She smiles like a doll, and I really love her.
2. 妹妹可爱的趣事可多了。妹妹最爱干的事情就是翻跟斗。
My sister has a lot of cute stories. The thing she loves most is somersaulting.
3. 妹妹最冒险的事情是爬沙发。
The bravest thing my sister did was climb the sofa.
4. 妹妹还有一个外号,叫“活闹钟”。妹妹每天早上都会准时叫我起床。
My sister also has a nickname, "Living Alarm Clock". She wakes me up on time every morning.
5. 你说我这一岁的妹妹可爱不可爱?
Do you think my one-year-old sister is cute?
6. 再过几天,舅舅家的小妹妹就要满月了。
In a few days, my cousin's little sister will be one month old.
7. 妹妹特别爱神埋笑,尤其是喝完奶后,谁逗她都笑个不停。
My sister loves to laugh especially after drinking milk. She laughs at anyone who teases her.
8. 妹妹发起脾气来可是个“大魔王”呢!
When my sister gets angry, she is like a "Big Devil"!
9. 妹妹特别喜欢看电视,只要她一盯上电视屏幕,便像被施了什么魔法似的,两只眼睛瞪得溜圆。
My sister loves watching TV. As soon as she focuses on the TV screen, her eyes become round as if she is under a spell.
10. 妹妹胆子也特别小。稍微有点动静,她都会吓得一抖。
My sister is also very timid. Even a slight noise can scare her.
11. 我的妹妹很可爱,她的小名叫“桐桐”。
My sister is very cute, and her nickname is "Tongtong".
12. 每次她找我玩时,我都要摸摸她胖胖的脸蛋。
Every time she comes to play with me, I have to touch her chubby face.
13. 有时,我和家长要去哪儿玩,如果不叫上她,她的哭声可以传到地上车库呢!
Sometimes, when my parents and I go somewhere, if we don't take her, her crying can be heard all the way to the underground garage!
14. 桐桐在幼儿园里可乖了,老师都称她“小美女”。
Tongtong is very obedient in kindergarten. The teachers all call her "Little Beauty".
15. 妹妹的样子可爱,性格可爱,笑起来可爱,哭起来也可爱,真是人见人爱!
My sister is cute in appearance, cute in personality, cute when she smiles, and cute when she cries. She is truly loved by everyone who sees her!